One Short Has Landed....................


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
Display Name

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Harley Reich Maine.........and has departed.
I received a telephone call and she was at Auburn-Lewiston LEW for refueling. She would then overfly Merrymeeting(Bowdoinham)08B, or even land and say, "Boo." I hightailed it for 08B -- about 5.2sm -- hoping to get some photos of her approach. She had just landed and parked when I arrived. We talked for a bit, and she's off and gone; did a return fly-by and a 180° to head East. She'll be back in the early evening, after flying up along the coast to Bar Harbor. Gorgeous flying day.

HR (Oh! have photos, to be developed)
Cool, Is she still planing on staying with me later in the trip? After EdFred's tail I know my hospitality will not be a good as yours but I'm sure convient to Lockhaven.

Missa said:
Cool, Is she still planing on staying with me later in the trip? After EdFred's tail I know my hospitality will not be a good as yours but I'm sure convient to Lockhaven.


She anticipates arriving at Bowdoinham at approximately 6:00pm. We didn't talk long; no sense in her losing great flying WX to go up the coast. Hence, I'm yet to know anything about the rest of her journey. If she's not traveling with laptop, perhaps she'll post from my computer. That is one fine-looking Tri-Pacer. I'll try to get some approach/landing shots.

Missa said:
Cool, Is she still planing on staying with me later in the trip? After EdFred's tail I know my hospitality will not be a good as yours but I'm sure convient to Lockhaven.



The short answer is: YES!

Hopefully Monday. It always depends on the weather. I'm in Conn. tonight and if it is nice tomorrow, I want to do the Hudson River Corridor, then on to New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.

PS: Jerry, Thanks for putting up with me and I really like Merrymeeting Field.
One Short said:

The short answer is: YES!

Hopefully Monday. It always depends on the weather. I'm in Conn. tonight and if it is nice tomorrow, I want to do the Hudson River Corridor, then on to New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland.

PS: Jerry, Thanks for putting up with me and I really like Merrymeeting Field.

Jersy tomorow... well that's where I will be collecting my Cheescake from El Whappo. Come over he's BBQing!

One Short has landed in Williamsport! Last night I picked her up, we had a nice dinner at 'Tailwinds' a little place sandwich shop with great decor. She saw my house, and this morning before work I dropped her offat the airport for some reading time waiting for the fog to burn off. If it doesn't by lunch I may see her again sooner then I thought.

Tailwinds Barb and let me know when you've made it home safely.
