Oldest Oshkosh NOTAM?


Ejection Handle Pulled
May 8, 2010
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Well, it's about that time again for the major fly-ins to begin and as I was rummaging around in my basement looking for my VFR, GAP, and GAC signs to take to Sun 'n Fun, I started looking through old NOTAMS from fly-ins past. This is my oldest one from Oshkosh 1997. Before it was even called AirVenture and before I was even a pilot. I begged my CFI to fly me and a student pilot friend there and turn it into an informal flight lesson. I had about 10 hours TT and he had even fewer. Neither of us had soloed yet. Just one of my crazy ideas that turned out to be a fun flight that I've since repeated many times and made a summer tradition. The first time is always the best though... when was your first time to OSH and do you still have the NOTAM book from the show??


edit... This is actually the souvenir program from the show. I wasn't the PIC at my first OSH, so I didn't get a NOTAM book. I do have the one from 1998, which would technically be my first AirVenture as PIC. :D
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Wouldn't miss it but we never keep any paperwork other than the pictures we take.
Well, it's about that time again for the major fly-ins to begin and as I was rummaging around in my basement looking for my VFR, GAP, and GAC signs to take to Sun 'n Fun, I started looking through old NOTAMS from fly-ins past. This is my oldest one from Oshkosh 1997. Before it was even called AirVenture and before I was even a pilot. I begged my CFI to fly me and a student pilot friend there and turn it into an informal flight lesson. I had about 10 hours TT and he had even fewer. Neither of us had soloed yet. Just one of my crazy ideas that turned out to be a fun flight that I've since repeated many times and made a summer tradition. The first time is always the best though... when was your first time to OSH and do you still have the NOTAM book from the show??

edit... This is actually the souvenir program from the show. I wasn't the PIC at my first OSH, so I didn't get a NOTAM book. I do have the one from 1998, which would technically be my first AirVenture as PIC. :D

My first time to Oshkosh was 1971. I don't have any NOTAMs, but I do have the program.
My first "Oshkosh" was in Rockford, IL in the early 60's. :dunno:

I don't think they had NOTAM's for those fly in's. You just flew in. ;)

Anyone beat that?? :dunno::no::lol:
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