Old Evinrude Service Manual (N/A)


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Apr 11, 2005
Russellville, AR
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If any of you are old Evinrude motor fans, I have a book that might be of interest. It is a Clymer Publications Evinrude Service and Repair Handbook for 40 to 140 HP, 1963 to 1982. Paperback in good condition.

It belongs to the local Friends of the Library and will go on their paperback table at their next sale on 6/11. Paperbacks go for 50 cents.

It is yours for the 50 cents plus whatever it costs to mail it. If you felt like donating a little more for a good cause, the FOL wouldn't object.

It just seems like a book that might be of special interest to someone and I thought I'd give people here a chance at it before the sale. Wasn't sure what forumto stick it in. It doesn't fit in classified because it isn't aviation related.
I take it Graueradler. I'll give you $10.00 plus shipping. I have a buddy in the boat business will be a great present for him. Give me a call at 717-554-8247 to make arangments .
Dave G.
And tell the FoL i said Thanks , we need more people involved in saving the old literature.
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