Oh boy, I almost forgot


Pattern Altitude
Jul 6, 2011
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So flew out to o28 yesterday to pick up my daughter from camp...

It has been awhile since I had to do a go around, but goodness me, that's a crazy strip to land into!

It looks pretty tame, really - on top of a hill, very clear, has a bit of a bump in the middle so you can't really see one end from the other, but it's a decent size.

It was on my first approach that I realized it has been a long time since I had to deal with constant gusty winds in seemingly from all directions at once, at speeds varying from a few to a few tens of knots. I tried my best to get a good approach in, but was fighting like a madman just to keep anywhere near center line, and eventually ditched and went around vowing to do better on the next attempt.

Aimed lower and faster this time - less flaps, more speed - and got down to flare height still dancing the macarena on the controls. Holy crap, that place is nuts. I ended up having to slam it on the ground, hard enough to take a small bounce, throttle out, flaps up, and brakebrakebrake because the runway looked like it was ending and I forgot about it not being visible end-to-end.

Ended up stopping the plane comfortably 1000 ft off the edge :rofl: felt rather silly when I taxied to the ramp.

A couple of locals were working on a plane... I went to chat with them and mentioned my less than graceful landing, and one of them looks at me, laughs and says "yeah, well, welcome to Willits!" showed me the topography from the ground which made perfect sense for why it's so nutty coming in.
It sounds like one of those airports where the local topography creates a whirlpool of winds going in all directions. Not easy to keep the plane steady when the airmass isn't.
I took my checkride at one of these crazy airports with peaks around. Not fun. But I eventually passed.
Glad you got it on the ground safely. Conditions like these remind me of student days when I had to think how to control the plane and make it fly straight and now it's just a reflex. Thankfully.