Off to Denver


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
Time to celebrate the Irish side of me. Its St. Patty's day. I'm off to Denver (alone, thank god).

Sláinte! If anyone wants to meet up for some Irish celebrations, call me at (505)610-0794. Gonna be a fun night!
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Your invitation, coupled with your avatar, just caused my wife to say "Not on your life, mister!!!!" :dunno:

"But really, honey! Nick's a GUY!"

"Uh huh. Suuuuuuure, 'he' is!"

Unfortunately, she works late tonight and I have taxi duties for kiddo number 3 ... I look at him getting his driver's license in 6 months as a relief ... this kid has a busier schedule than his 2 older s-kibs combined! (That, or I'm just tired ...)
Dang Nick, I'd love to meet up with you, but I have a 16 hour day scheduled tomorrow starting at 0400 (actually means getting up at 0230 ugh), so it's an early night for me. Have fun though...ya headin' to Lodo, or do you have somewhere else planned?
I think I'm going to hibernate tonight, but have a good time Nick!
Dang Nick, I'd love to meet up with you, but I have a 16 hour day scheduled tomorrow starting at 0400 (actually means getting up at 0230 ugh), so it's an early night for me. Have fun though...ya headin' to Lodo, or do you have somewhere else planned?

We bar hopped along Market Street. Lots of fun. The actual bar Lodo was closed for remodeling of some sort, even though there was a sign out front saying "Come celebrate St. Patrick's Day!" Not sure.

I had to throttle waaaaay back though, work early tomorrow, and I had to drive back to the Springs. So I kept it nice and easy and only drank a few green beers spread out along about 8 hours. Great time though. Denver is a blast.