No BFR due to COVID

I contacted AOPA using their chat service. The person on the other end confirmed that the SFAR DOES NOT apply to the run of the mill recreational flyer.

I suggested that they write an article in plain English stating exactly that. Send out an email to members if they have to.
They need to bask in the glory of beating the FAA for a while first.
I just spoke to the AOPA. I learned that the language about getting pilots back in the air to fight... is not language in the SFAR. Instead, that was just AOPA’s press release, and as of 2:30 today they’ve revised it and removed that language.

I was able to convey my point to them, basically that the affected pilots were looking for a BFR extension so that they didn’t have to go climb into an aircraft for an hour or so with a CFI to renew, during these times when we’re supposed to be practicing social distancing. And as such, the SFAR missed the mark in that respect, because many will now go ahead and schedule a BFR.

The reply was: this angle had not been previously considered, and thanks for pointing it out to us.

While no public comment period exists for the SFAR, AOPA does have communication with the FAA on this. Given the bureaucracies involved, I’m not really expecting a change. We’ll see.
I already found someone who is not afraid to get into the cockpit ( with someone like me ) for an hour so that's that .. screw SFARs and all the bureaucracies involved.
I was able to convey my point to them, basically that the affected pilots were looking for a BFR extension so that they didn’t have to go climb into an aircraft for an hour or so with a CFI to renew, during these times when we’re supposed to be practicing social distancing. And as such, the SFAR missed the mark in that respect, because many will now go ahead and schedule a BFR.

The reply was: this angle had not been previously considered, and thanks for pointing it out to us.

While no public comment period exists for the SFAR, AOPA does have communication with the FAA on this.
By the time it gets sorted out (if at all), the COVID-19 pandemic will probably be over.
Yeah, if you read the preamble to the SFAR, it says we realize all of GA is important, but most of you can take a flying leap because we're not making any exceptions.
I guess now I'm not so sure either with this statement tossed in the article:

"If you choose to extend your flight review or instrument currency under the SFAR, you should review the applicability requirements and limitations that are based on the grade of pilot certificate you hold, the intended operation, and for private pilots, other requirements."

I was counting on AOPA to do the review and interpretation for me.

@TomHaines if you read this, hopefully you can write an article in plain English that says yes or no in no uncertain terms whether the extension applies to run of the mill private pilots for recreational flying.

See the sidebar titled “Does the SFAR Apply to You” in this article. The sidebar links to a series of flowcharts that allow you to assess whether the SFAR applies to you. It was uploaded late today. And, the short answer is, no, for the most part, the SFAR does not apply to people primarily flying recreationally.
See the sidebar titled “Does the SFAR Apply to You” in this article. The sidebar links to a series of flowcharts that allow you to assess whether the SFAR applies to you. It was uploaded late today. And, the short answer is, no, for the most part, the SFAR does not apply to people primarily flying recreationally.
The ordering of the flowcharts seems kind of weird. I would think "Do the SFAR's apply to me" should be closer to the top of the list.

Other than that, thanks. They are helpful.
AOPA updated the article.

First of all, the SFAR takes effect Monday May 4, so hopefully nobody with an expired BFR went flying yesterday.

Second, AOPA seems to acknowledge that some provisions in their words "limit flight operations to flights associated with fighting the coronavirus epidemic.". BFR is listed as one of those provisions tied to specific flight operations.

If recreational flying is excluded from the flight review extension, why doesn't the flow chart for 61.56 indicate that the flying must involve Covid 19 relief flying?
I think everyone is going to get C-19 it's just a matter of time...:(
It's more complicated than that, but I think we already have enough threads populated by citizen-scientists that I don't feel like opening the floodgates on this one.
It's more complicated than that, but I think we already have enough threads populated by citizen-scientists that I don't feel like opening the floodgates on this one.
Understood, I would like to hear what you have to say. I shutter to think what the future holds and what the norm will be.
I have a question on the medical. If I had a First Class that I received on March 4, 2019, and now its been over 12 calendar months, does this mean I am still able to use first class privileges? The AOPA flow chart suggests that I can still use first class privileges.
Eh? Your medical was only good for first class purposes until the end of September 2019. Nothing in the AOPA amplification imply otherwise.
Eh? Your medical was only good for first class purposes until the end of September 2019. Nothing in the AOPA amplification imply otherwise.

I'm under 40 years old. I just thought the FAA was basically saying "hey, if you had a first class medical and it expired, we will still grant you first class privileges". My medical for First Class priviledges expires on March 31st, 2020. So I should meet the criteria for the FAA extension. Of course, it won't be implemented until May 5th.
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Got my question answered from AOPA. My medical first and second class privileges were extended.