Nice article on Young Eagles

Great article! Makes me want to go out and fly more kids this year!
Mari, thanks for posting that link. :) I think that the Young Eagles Program is the best thing that EAA has going.
Very cool! I'm actually going to be participating in my first Young Eagles rally on Sunday, though not as a pilot...

The curator at the museum I volunteer at is actually a local aviation attorney as his day job, and another of his moonlighting activities, besides the museum, is to teach a monthly aviation class to a group of home-schooled children. This Sunday he, his law partner, and my mentor pilot (who is also a member of the museum's board) will be giving YE rides to the kids in his class. Since there will be three airplanes hopping rides, he asked if any of the museum volunteers could come marshal the aircraft onto and off of the ramp/apron/tarmac and help sequence kids into and out of the planes. I am going to be one of said marshallers.

I just can't wait to see the looks on those kids faces! I'm definitely bringing the camera and taking pictures of the kids so that I can email them to the parents!