new server problems


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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I am getting a weird sort of delay.

When I click to see a thread or hit the new posts button I get a delay and the browser then hangs up. It is only on PoA. I noticed it last night on my home computer but it is still happening today on my work laptop.

I am running Windoze, Mozilla 3.something on both machines.

I did do a DNS flush to see if it was related to that.

Anyone else noticing this?
I had some weird delays this morning. Traceroute put it somewhere in's routers. It's gone now and I'm getting good response.

I had some weird delays this morning. Traceroute put it somewhere in's routers. It's gone now and I'm getting good response.

Jesse said that he had some weird routing going on while he gets the IP addressed migrated into the DNS system correctly. While I called it a new server problem I think it is a routing issue. I'll run a tracert and see what I come up with.
I reported this last night, Jesse said he was seeing it too. He enabled some "long running query" tracing, and the problem went away. Hopefully he's still got that trace flag enabled; it might capture what Scott is reporting here (same thing I was seeing).
Generally when you are stuck with a "Waiting for Reply" message it means one of two things.

1.) slow application logic
2.) slow database logic

I was leaning towards database initially but enabled slow query logging and we haven't had a single slow database query. This led me to believe that something was causing the application to delay.........

I believe the delay is being caused by the LiveChat server not always providing timely API responses to vBulletin. With every page load vBulletin makes a HTTP web service request to the LiveChat server to retrieve the list of logged in users. Oddly enough it does this no matter if the page you're loading actually displays that list.

I just wrote a caching system so that vBulletin pulls the list of users logged into chat from a static file instead of making an API call with every page load. The static file is updated automatically every minute--which means that the LiveChat logged in users list could be up to a minute old.

Let me know if you see that same "Waiting for reply" delay again.
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I haven't seen it since... good catch, Jesse. No reason to ask for the list of users until I log into chat!
Generally when you are stuck with a "Waiting for Reply" message it means one of two things.

1.) slow application logic
2.) slow database logic

I was leaning towards database initially but enabled slow query logging and we haven't had a single slow database query. This led me to believe that something was causing the application to delay.........

I believe the delay is being caused by the LiveChat server not always providing timely API responses to vBulletin. With every page load vBulletin makes a HTTP web service request to the LiveChat server to retrieve the list of logged in users. Oddly enough it does this no matter if the page you're loading actually displays that list.

I just wrote a caching system so that vBulletin pulls the list of users logged into chat from a static file instead of making an API call with every page load. The static file is updated automatically every minute--which means that the LiveChat logged in users list could be up to a minute old.

Let me know if you see that same "Waiting for reply" delay again.
I have not seen the dealy since you made this change.

I know you may not see this today, but I wanted to respond. Good luck at the dentist's office today. OWWWW!!!
I know you may not see this today, but I wanted to respond. Good luck at the dentist's office today. OWWWW!!!
I couldn't sleep all night. The Vicodin ES they gave me didn't help with the pain at all--instead it gave me a terrible headache and made me extremely nauseated. Feel like crap....oral surgery in a hour...