Need Avionics shop reccomendation


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
I am looking for a reputable Avionics shop in the Daytona Beach area of Florida to upgrade my avionics in my 1977 Cessna 172n. I have had some good recommendations for a shop on the West Coast of Florida, and I have had some warnings against a local company.

I am hesitant to use the one on the West coast because I would need to fly it over there and arrange for transportation home, and then arrange for transportation back the next week to pick it up to fly home. And even more frightening is the thought that if there are any problems post upgrade I would have to do the transportation thing again with a defective airplane. Is that a valid consideration or am I being overly hesitant.

I want to replace my old Cessna audio panel and at least one of my Nav/Com units with a new audio panel and a GNS 430w. (possibly a 530W; or possibly one of each). I doubt I would go so far as to invest in a MFD or PFD, but if I could get a really good deal . . .

Any suggestions?