Need A&P for C182RG prebuy in Baltimore


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Hey folks,

Any recommendations for an A&P to do a pre-buy inspection on a Cessna R182 (aka 182RG) in the Baltimore, MD area? Prefer someone with intimate knowledge of the Cessna retract systems. Thanks!
Try Larry Donaldson at Chesapeake Aviation Lee Airport KANP 410.956.4129 He has maintained the planes I'v flown for the last 15 years and has done my 182 since 1979. I trust him completely.
Bill Broach at Chesapeake Aviation Maintenance (similar name, different outfit) at Forest Hill MD (410-879-1073), about 15nm north of Martin State. He did my annuals for over 10 years when I lived in that area. He's cranky and cantankerous, but you'll have absolute assurance that you know anything that isn't right with the plane. In fact, I know of sellers who declined to let him inspect their planes because they were afraid of what he'd say, but I never heard of a buyer who was unhappy with the result.
Try Larry Donaldson at Chesapeake Aviation Lee Airport KANP 410.956.4129 He has maintained the planes I'v flown for the last 15 years and has done my 182 since 1979. I trust him completely.

Where did you get your Wright Flyer logo on your sign in square?
