[NA] Wish us (her) luck!


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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My wife and I are headed to the Quad Cities (Moline, IL / Davenport, IA area) for her first tryout for 'American Idol'. If she can place in the top 12 either this weekend or next weeked, we will be going back on the weekend of the 22nd for a 'finals' tryout. If she can win there, she will get a guaranteed tryout at one of the 'major' cities as well as transportation TO that city.

She can REALLY sing - I just hope she doesn't forget that!

If she pulls this off, I can build an RV of my own! WOOHOO! Not to mention the fact that she'll be doing what she was BORN and LOVES to do!

That's really cool! Best of luck to her, but I really hate that show. Still.... if it means a new airplane for you....

Best of luck to her Chris... And remember, there are many many very successful singers out there who didn't get where they are today via American Idol! So encourage her to keep working on it regardless of the results. American Idol is as much a popularity contest as a singing one.
Can she do the required Whitney prolonged final note? If so, piece o' cake!
Well, we didn't make the top 6 this weekend. Not sure yet whether or not we'll come back next week for the next round of auditions. It's really like a cow herding - "Hello. Sign here. Enter here. Sing 30 seconds. Thank you. We'll let you know the results later." All of that in a matter of 2-3 minutes. Definitely not a good way to show the depth of your talent.

SOOOO... She's starting to think that maybe she'll just keep singing with our friend's band when she gets the chance and see what happens.

Guess I'll have to wait before putting the order for the RV-8 kit. ;)

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