NA WC insurance


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
So, WComp insurance.
Have been paying along happily at $N per year from company X.
Have quote from X for a price similar to $N for 2017.
Also got quotes from (ostensibly reputable) companies Y and Z for $N/2. (I price everything on a regular basis)

Thinking myself a loyal customer, I said to X; would you be interested in reviewing your quote for $N, I have quotes for the same product in the amount of $N/2.

No answer yet, but now I have to think - What will I do if X is able to come down by 1/2? How will I feel about such a company? Is this just normal business practice or borderline scam?
it is all what you pay/ will pay after the year end wc renewal or a new quote you are just putting a deposit on what the agent/broker estimated your next year payrolls to be in all CORRECT/INCORRECT job descriptions. i could make your premium almost any dollar amount depending on the class codes i use and the amount of payroll in that class. i lost a few accounts due to the broker being CREATIVE in the job code for persons who had a hazard-es job but put him into the clerical code ,also some payroll would dissapear UNTILL the audit about 2 months after your renewal.
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I don't think they can get away with too much h-panky on mine. Very small payroll, none hidden. All classes well defined and shown on the application. I know what you mean though.
Comp is pretty much comp. for a business like yours, I'd take the good deal.
Are the percentage rates for each classification different by a factor of two ?
they could be trying a par plan and those dont always work out im your type of business