NA WC insurance


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Display name:
Dave Taylor
I have had WC insurance for 24 years in my business, with one small claim over a decade ago. Been with the current company at least 5 years.
They make me pay in advance based on an estimated payroll and I fill out their audit form at the end of each year where they retroactively assess what I should have paid. I notice in that audit form a section "uninsured contract labor" where I am to insert what I paid to have things done around the business, where the subcontractor had no certificate of insurance; fair enough. Never had one so I never put anything in there.
This summer I had some roofing done so I figured be up front, and plan wisely; I called the agent and arranged for coverage for about $1000 of roof repairs, agent said no problem and I was billed about $40. All went well, roof fixed and no claims.
Now, I get a notice of non-renewal because I am using non insured subcontractors!
Feels like I am being punished for: not lying, for making good plans, for purchasing their service!! WTH!?
I could have, based on past audits, said nothing & got the roof fixed then reported the contract labor....all of which happens AFTER the renewal period!
Silly me.
Travelers can go jump in a lake!