[NA] App Development


Aug 15, 2012
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Okay say you have an idea for an app that you think would benefit the world. And say you have no idea nor any desire to learn app dev. How do you present your idea to a developer without them saying um no that cant happen, and then they go do it themselves without you? Say they do it for you and it goes up for sale, do they get royalties or is the price up front all they get?
Most developers are going to have little interest in building an application unless you have the money to pay them all the work they have to do.

I have someone, at least once a week, contact me with some application idea that they want me to build. They figure it's such a great idea I'll do it for free and get paid once it makes money.

Problem is they very rarely have a business plan or any thought behind how it could actually make money.

Most developers are in the business of building software not building businesses. Since they like to get paid they're going to do work where people will pay them from day one with 90% of their time.

Are you willing to fund the development? If not you're going to have to have a HELL of an idea for any developer with any skill will want to do for free. You can handle the problem of them stealing your idea with a legal agreement beforehand.
The money part is not a problem. I just didn't know how most do it like a fee and then royalties or pay the fee from the start. If someone contacted me to develop something and they wanted it for next to nothing id likely not even respond to the request. My second thought was hey it really is a good idea..what keeps a developer from taking the idea for themselves and selling it? I guess like you said they are not in the business of building businesses so they take there money and deliver the product and rinse wash repeat.
I just sent you a PM with a little more detail, but I figured I'd post the bulk of it here as others may be interested...

I own a company that does app and software development. We work with a lot of startups and early-stage companies, so we run into these questions a lot.

The first thing we always do is sign an NDA with the potential client -- that way they're legally protected against us "stealing" the idea. The truth is, developers aren't in the business of running businesses, we're in the business of developing software for other people to run it. We're working on so many things at once that the thought of dropping all of that billable work for a stolen internal project that would require a massive amount of work beyond just the development and that would never guarantee revenue is not an enticing one by any means.

As far as pricing goes, the first step is to spec out the project and come up with an estimate for the number of hours it will take to complete, plus a margin for iterations and additions. As far as payment goes, we usually do it the traditional way -- billing monthly for the hours worked until the project is completed. For any ongoing improvements/fixes we just bill hourly as needed by the client.

I can tell you that, from experience, giving a guaranteed total price before the project start is a really bad idea for both the developer and the client. Clients ALWAYS want changes once they get to actually interact with the first version of the software, and the relationships usually end up going something like this:

DEVELOPER: Well, this is going to end up costing more than we told you because you want all these changes.
CLIENT: Yes but these changes are needed and it's unreasonable for you to charge more for it.
DEVELOPER: The software works as you requested...this stuff is new. We need to charge for it.
CLIENT: That's ridiculous -- you should've know that we would need this. You're the expert.

...and then everyone is angry at each other. If the potential client demanded a guaranteed price contract up front I'd either grossly inflate the price to make sure that I'm protected or not take the project at all.

We've also done more creative pricing where we did a reduced development cost and a revenue-share on the backend, but it's rare for developers to agree to that because there's just too much uncertainty.
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I had an idea for a way cool app that would save the world. I got all the SDKs to write it myself, then found 10 versions of it already created.
Be sure to offer me a generous 2% equity for 100% creation of the product. That always warms me to negotiations and makes me take you seriously.

Seriously, once you give me a dollar, there are certain expectations on me -- like I'm not going to rip your idea off. If there's a contract behind that dollar, even better. After that, if I steal your idea anyway, you're going to be betting that you can buy more and better lawyers than I can buy. If not, then I get away with it, and you get nothing. No amount of contracts and laws can beat a clever a-hole, so it boils down to trust, and since you aren't willing to learn the trade that you depend on, you're at that person's mercy in 1,000 ways you never thought of.

The app stores are full of thieves. I think King was the most despicable one in memory, but I remember Zynga being tools too. Heck, I can't think of a popular app that doesn't have 5 similar-named clones available.

If your idea saves the world, then who cares if he steals the idea and makes it happen without you? Or is your first name 'the world'? :D

Put the details p there, they will place bids.
Pick the combination of lowest bid and best reviews.

You pay when you get the app and it is done.