N/A QUICK! Need up to $150,000.00


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Harley Reich
Some of you may remember the image I posted some time ago. It's an artist-signed print of the painting South Cushing, by Andrew Wyeth. After he had completed the painting(1955) he gave the graphite preparatory sketch, with a personal inscription, to my grandfather, at the farm where I was raised. The prep sketch never got framed and sat in a closed cabinet until Grampy died in 1970. One of my Dad's brothers inherited it and it finally got properly framed. Well, Uncle Harvey died last year and now . . . . . .


Well, bring up the Link. You'll have to suffer through some commercial but when the news story begins the first item in the feature is Grampy's (Harvey's) rare piece. If I had 100 to 150K I'd be bidding for it because I used to ride "Peanuts" and handle him as part of the mowing, raking, and racking of the hay fields on the farm. My print is pictured below. And there's another image.

Last Saturday, prior to Memorial Day, my former wife and I visited the graves of my father and two of his brothers, all of whom served in Army and Navy during WWII. But there was another important man to remember. So we got into the car and drove down a country road to a spot about 1.5sm from the farm where I grew up. As noted, it was Saturday and we were early to arrive at the small burial ground which dates to over 200 years.

RIP, Andy, and thank you for sharing Maine and Pennsylvania with all the world. I'll always remember you.



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    Peanuts3 - South Cushing.jpg
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