N/A One Just Never Knows


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
Display Name

Display name:
Harley Reich

I was shocked to become aware of this. Rusty was the respected businessman who bought my 27 year old camera store in 2004. MAINE COAST FISHERMAN; NATIONAL FISHERMAN(both commercial fishing industry trade papers; several regional newspapers; three other camera stores before he bought mine; all part of Brace Family Publications, and with other holdings. WOW! Hard to believe.

WOW! Looks like a couple people might be in trouble, I'd hate to be the folks at the bank that let him deposit those checks! :mad2:
Just goes to show that we never know what's going on behind the scenes! :dunno:
Considerably BEFORE he bought my camera store, into which he upgraded to the latest Kodak digital lab. facility to equalize to the other three stores, his 1st wife was daughter of a Maine governor whose holdings included two radio stations, two television stations, early holdings re cable TV in eastern Maine. Overall, we assumed to be "bottomless pockets."
I worked in broadcasting with his younger brother who decided not to go with the family businesses, instead became 1st Class Engineer who, when last I knew, was keeping a chain of 13 or more radio stations running in the Carolinas.
"Bottomless pockets" aren't always as deep as we imagine! ;) People can spend more than they make, even if they make a lot of money! I've seen car dealers go broke making over a million per year! :mad2: if you're making $1.5 million and spending $1.6 million, you're no different than my 20 year old. He makes $300.00 and spends $305.00! :mad2:
We had a local bank finally get seized by the FDIC last year, owned by a very wealthy family, actually good friends of our family, no one ever thought they'd lose that bank, deep pockets and all.:dunno:
Really, you find this shocking? :dunno: I don't, not in the slightest. Deep pockets are always lined with crooked money.
He stole half the donations,no one on the board was paying attention. Such a shame ,a lot of good could have been done with that money.