My Flying Version "T'was the Night Before Christmas"


Oct 10, 2007
West Palm Beach, FL
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Flying - 'Twas The Night Before Christmas

By Sheldon Upthegrove

'Twas the night before Christmas, When all 'round the ramp,
Not a lineman was stirring, the ground was all damp.
The planes were all lined up and tied down with care,
In hopes the FBO would soon open there.

Most pilots were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of VFR weather danced in their heads.
The mechanics had dialed in the plane just right,
I had just settled in on a long cross country flight.

When from the plane there arose such a clatter,
Almost had a heart attack, what was the matter!
Away to the instruments my eyes flew in a flash,
Oil Pressure was good, and I had plenty of gas.

Moonlight shown clear on the new-fallen snow,
I quickly looked for emergency landing below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called me by name!

Now Sheldon give me your ears and please listen!
I know how to save your plane so it won't need a-fixin'.
Keep your best glide speed, and you will not stall,
If you fly coordinated, and keep your eye on the ball.

Go through your checklist, as your CFI taught,
Start at the bottom, and make your way to the top.
Fuel selector on both, and your mixture full rich,
Turn on the fuel pump, and flip the magneto switch!

Set your best glide speed, recall your ABC's,
Airspeed, Best Field, Cockpit check if you please.
Squawk 7700 on the transponder,
Declare an emergency, no time to ponder!

Aviate, Navigate, Communicate Last,
Don't be remembered as a blast from the past.
Do not rush and use your flaps too soon on this night,
Make sure a landing field is there and in sight.

So up above roof tops St. Nicholas flew,
My Skyhawk behind him a-flying high too.
He turned, looked at me and said "One More Thing!"
You are now flying on a prayer and a wing!

Then just as things finally started to look close to right,
My electrical system stuttered, and said "To all a good night!"
I quickly checked the switch and circuit breakers first,
but the alternator was dying, leaving me in a lurch.

Just then my chances and hopes started to look slim,
Battery dying, Landing safely looked a no-win.
I started to get mad, I admit I was riled,
The NTSB would say no flight plan was filed.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard a small poof,
Rudolph just landed softly on top of the roof.
As I did my scan and was looking around,
His nose lit up the sky and shown on the ground.

Santa said I told you it would be all right,
Rudolph will guide your little Skyhawk tonight.
Then suddenly the field was right where it should be,
The winds and Runway 9 were even favoring me.

So on a straight in approach, I quickly did fly,
Dropping in softly from that cold winter sky.
Santa and Rudolph and the reindeer did cheer,
"That's your best landing yet, or at least this year."

I taxied back and parked on the ramp in bliss,
I stepped from my Skyhawk, the ground I did kiss.
Thank you dear Santa, kept my cool, did not panic,
Wait till I get my hands on that cotton pickin' mechanic!