MS to purchase Garmin?

Seeing how I despise Garmin, this would just fit hand in hand.
I can visualize the BSOD on final....

ATC: Bugsmasher 1234 turn left to 240, intercept the final approach course, you are cleared the GPS27 approach

BS1234: Ahhh, we gotta a problem here.

ATC: Say again

BS1234: Hold on I am rebooting, just gotta an automatic update from M$ and need to reboot the GPS, give me 5 more minutes

ATC: Bugsmasher 1234 turn left to 240, intercept the final approach course, you are cleared the GPS27 approach

BS1234: Ahhh, we gotta a problem here.

ATC: Say again

BS1234: Hold on I am rebooting, just gotta an automatic update from M$ and need to reboot the GPS, give me 5 more minutes


I still maintain that Bill Gates should be forced to wear a shock collar and every time a MS machine crashes, he gets nailed with a few thousand volts automatically.
eh..Windows isn't that bad anymore.... (this from a linux sys admin)
I do hope this is strictly rumor. During the DOJ assault on Microsoft, I was rooting for them to survive the Reno nightmare. But, some things should be immune from Microsoft control. Please let aviation be one of them!