Minimum safe altitude - FAR 91.119

Dude, I can drive to the beaches up here quicker than I can fly to Half Moon Bay (Bodega Bay, Stinson, etc)

One word you're missing: 'Mavericks'. I used to do aerial photo of buddies surfing the big waves and you stage out of Half Moon Bay for that.
One word you're missing: 'Mavericks'. I used to do aerial photo of buddies surfing the big waves and you stage out of Half Moon Bay for that.

Dunno. I saw since last year (or a few years ago), they didn't even have one due to those 13 people who got "swept away" by the sea. None drowned, and only some were injured, but now the new Mavericks won't even let people on the beach to watch and the locals are super p1ssed off about it. So it makes me wonder if there will be a TFR when the event happens.
As a general rule of thumb, I consider any yellow areas on the chart to be "congested."

My understanding is that the yellow areas indicate areas that appear lit up at night. I think forested neighborhoods could be congested without appearing particularly lit up from the air. I'm also not sure how often they update that feature of the charts.
My understanding is that the yellow areas indicate areas that appear lit up at night.
Pretty close. Not all lit areas are so depicted, but when they are, it indicates the lighting pattern. I would certainly treat any of those yellow areas as "congested," but that doesn't mean one of those small towns with just a little circle isn't.
Dunno. I saw since last year (or a few years ago), they didn't even have one due to those 13 people who got "swept away" by the sea. None drowned, and only some were injured, but now the new Mavericks won't even let people on the beach to watch and the locals are super p1ssed off about it. So it makes me wonder if there will be a TFR when the event happens.

??? I'm not following, I'm not sure about an 'event', when the swell's there, the surfing happens, nobody to stop it.
??? I'm not following, I'm not sure about an 'event', when the swell's there, the surfing happens, nobody to stop it.

Henning, it is now an event. They get the weather, pick a weekend, surfers fly in in from all over the world, they call it Mavericks, there are vendors, event planners, and the City of Half Moon Bay gets involved.

Links to the news story here:

Event site here:

Correction (from site):

"Each winter, during a waiting period typically set for sometime between November and March – if and when conditions are perfect, and giant swells roll in from far across the Pacific – The Mavericks Surf Contest® is held. On just 24 hours notice, two dozen of the surfing community’s bravest and most skillful souls assemble to confront the thundering mountain of salt water many consider to be the most dangerous wave Mother Nature has ever concocted."
That's just once a season as a Pro Event. I'm talking about the locals who surf it regularly when the swell is up. It doesn't have to be monster for people to be on it, and it gets monster way more than once a year. Not much to see from shore anyway.
Thank you all for your answers. I now understand my confusion: I thought other-than-congested meant by default not populated and the exception was rural when it meant rural by default and the exception was not populated.

I updated my drawing !
