Mile High Club

There was a story last year sometime on Bob and Tom radio show about a guy in Atlanta selling flights in his Cherokee Six for the same deal. He had the rear seats removed and a small mattress installed. There was a curtain separating the front seats from the rear area and the 'customers' got to keep the sheets when they were done. ha!

They interviewed the pilot on the radio and he said that it was funny at some of the calls he gets: Women call and request a reservation for X day in Y month (anniversary, birthday, etc.). When men call it's usually "Hey, are you busy this Saturday?"

Edit: Found it:
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Wonder if ATC recognizes that plane when that's the only PIREP for turbulence in the area.
In a 172?!?

Man, you gotta be pretty agile to pull that off...
The has been an outfit out in the SF Bay Area which has been doing these flights for a long time. (Not sure if they are still in business...)

But they use a 421, if I remember correctly. (Not from personal experience, mind you!)
In a 172?!?

Man, you gotta be pretty agile to pull that off...

That's what I was thinking...I wonder if they took out the backseat, or just moved it back into the cargo compartment. Otherwise, seems like the pilot would be hard pressed NOT to get involved.
I wonder what people say when they realize how small the Skyhawk back seat is. "hey, quit kicking the back of the seat!":D
I bet all the controllers know that airplane's call sign. They probably wink at each other then key the mike and say, "Cessna XXXXX, say position ..." ;)

"Ahh, Approach, stand by one..."

"Approach, it's a little dark, but appears to be a modified.... (garbled)...(garbled)... but they keep changing. I'll keep you advised..."
IIRC, the city ran the guys off who were running that kind of operation in San Antonio....