Macintosh and Jeppesen Skybound


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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This came up in another thread about the 430W. I thought I should follow up with a specific thread addressing the point.

The issue is if it is possible to use the Jeppesen Skybound adapter with the Jeppesen Services software to update data cards for the Garmin 430 and 430W.

The answer is yes.

Here is how I have my MacBook Pro set up.

I am running the Mac OS and to run Windows I am using VMFusion. The Windows version I am using is Vista for the home. This is the most basic of Windows OSs.

This set up worked the very first time I tried it, no special set ups or anything. I just plugged in the Skybound adapter with the Garmin Jep datacard and told the software to download the new db and send it to the card. No muss no fuss.
As a non-Mac guy I only follow this stuff casually but this matches what I've read on the Cirrus forums. Evidently Parallels doesn't handle USB devices as cleanly and there are issues if you try it that way.
