Loss of a great FBO - Redbird Skyport, KHYI


Management Council Member
Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
Read it and weep. It’s illustrative of the situation at a lot more than just San Marcos.

These guys always took exceptional care of us, on every visit (our son attended college in San Marcos), and I always - ALWAYS - filled up there. One guy in a Bonanza will never be enough.

https://landing.redbirdflight.com/posts ... hate-story
What am I weeping for? That tax money wasn’t used to keep it afloat by spending on “marketing”? Not sure how marketing by the city government would have changed anything. Seriously, I’m confused why the article should make me sad. Maybe it’s sad that a good FBO is closing, but the article is pretty self serving and doesn’t convey that.
What am I weeping for? That tax money wasn’t used to keep it afloat by spending on “marketing”? Not sure how marketing by the city government would have changed anything. Seriously, I’m confused why the article should make me sad. Maybe it’s sad that a good FBO is closing, but the article is pretty self serving and doesn’t convey that.

I could see the forest if it wasn’t for all these damn trees.
I thought that was well written and not a gripe fest against cheap pilots either. I ALWAYS buy fuel when I use am FBO, as long as they have the fuel I need (once, one was out of AvGas). I'll choose on price and service, but I'll never just go in and out and not buy their fuel. That seems insane.
Bummer, nice place. I was there a few weeks ago, had the crew car and filled it up before returning it and filled up the tanks on the plane. Support your local sheriff.

It did seem a bit of a gripe against cheap pilots, and I think justifiably so. To expect lots of fringe benefits for free is short sighted. Don’t be surprised when they disappear. Want to pay as little for fuel as possible? Use a public ramp (I know, there’s a whole debate there), pump your own gas, pack a lunch/cookies and water bottles, and pay for Uber or a rental.

It also seemed a gripe against the big FBO chains, who apparently have figured out a profitable model (attractive young “people” behind computer screens” . . . ). That’s life in a capitalist economy, compete, or game over.