Looking for airplane

Lol good thing your not in a hurry. You'll be hard pressed to find what your looking for if your budget is 25k. That's asking a lot.

Be patient. I got a 1976 160 hp Warrior with under 400 hrs for $27K. IFR equipped. Good P&I. But I had to wait till the dead of winter and 8 months. Be patient, look everyday and be ready.
Be patient. I got a 1976 160 hp Warrior with under 400 hrs for $27K. IFR equipped. Good P&I. But I had to wait till the dead of winter and 8 months. Be patient, look everyday and be ready.

Took me over a year of looking to find the 172 for $25k.
One needs to be careful when discussion an IFR Bonanza. It can be had for under $30k, I know because I've bought them. They will be old, they will have tired paint, prolly no autopilot. Of course, newer, bigger, faster, better equipped a "Bonanza" can go up well over $100k.

Whoa - yea! I went that route and got a working STEC-30! (Closed at $34K, good engine, paint was distressed.) But don't buy one because I did - follow your own path.

Actually, you can find something out there - if you know what you want and get the finances ready first. I nearly purchased a Cherokee 180 that came up locally with good paint, mid time engine, avionics (don't remember if it had an auto pilot). But I didn't have what I though was enough cash in the bank for the first year's "make it mine" journey.

You are doing it right (in my opinion). Rent, fly and get time in as many aircraft as you can - even if it is looking at them at an EAA fly-in. So many options out there ...