Logbook Archiving question


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
We've had some good discussions about the importance of creating archival copies of our logbooks. And I think the answer to my question is "affirmative" but want to be certain.

As far as the FAA or anyone of importance is concerned, will the scanned or photographed copy of signature for endorsement or training accepted in place of the originals?

IOW, if I lost my existing logbook but had scanned or photographed pages with all the pertinent information including CFI signatures and their CFI numbers, and these scans/photos permitted the total recreation of the lost originals, can these scans/photos stand in the place of the original?
Per FAA Order 8900.1, an inspector may accept a signed, notarized statement certifying that those are true copies of the original which is no longer available. While there is nothing saying they have to accept it, I've never heard of them not doing so if it appears reasonable.
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We've had some good discussions about the importance of creating archival copies of our logbooks. And I think the answer to my question is "affirmative" but want to be certain.

As far as the FAA or anyone of importance is concerned, will the scanned or photographed copy of signature for endorsement or training accepted in place of the originals?

IOW, if I lost my existing logbook but had scanned or photographed pages with all the pertinent information including CFI signatures and their CFI numbers, and these scans/photos permitted the total recreation of the lost originals, can these scans/photos stand in the place of the original?

For the most part it is acceptable. Most Inspectors will accept as is, but the individual Inspector has the option to request a notarized copy if he sees fit.

I've never seen personally an Inspector require notarization, but that's easy enough to do if requested.

Scanned maintenance records have been accepted for many years.