Left Handed Pilots

Just curios if there are many left handed pilots? I'm wondering if anyone else has found it challenging writing down things and working the radio etc... I find my arm hits the side wall of the plane when a write and I seem to always have a pen in my hand when keying the mic. Getting used to it but if there are any tips and tricks the lefties have learned I would be interested in hearing.

Now ya got me worried...seems Cirrus put the sidestick in just the correct place for you southpaws in the pilot's seat. But how the hell you gonna pull that red handle with your left hand if you need to? :eek:
Now ya got me worried...seems Cirrus put the sidestick in just the correct place for you southpaws in the pilot's seat. But how the hell you gonna pull that red handle with your left hand if you need to? :eek:
Lefty pilots would never need the red handle, we're such awesome aviators. The red handle is there for the other 90%. ;)

Seriously, 10% of the population is left handed, I wonder if the same % of pilots are?
I wouldn't have minded being a lefty the first time I swapped seats. LOL. That was in the Seminole and that throttle quadrant kept my left hand busier than it's ever been. :)

Now my left hand is on the throttle in the Skylane and my right is on the yoke most of the time and it's almost feeling normal.

The only thing I miss is I can't just stick out my thumb to guard the carb heat along with guarding the throttle at takeoff anymore. :)

The funniest thing was convincing my right thumb to push the PTT. It couldn't find it a couple of times. :)