Kenmore Air's 75th Anniversary


Touchdown! Greaser!
Apr 1, 2007
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Richard Palm
How this micro airline has made it to its 75th anniversary

Think of Seattle, and what springs to mind? The Space Needle, for sure. Pike Place Market, almost certainly. For many, there's another classic sight in the Emerald City: the tiny seaplanes darting up and down, making a runway out of the water that surrounds the city.

Many of those planes -- the ones with a slick of bright mustard yellow along the side -- belong to Kenmore Air, a local airline. And if you think they look familiar, that's because they've been a temporary part of the city skyline for 75 years.

A 75th anniversary is a major achievement for any airline, of course -- especially after a year in which even major airlines have gone out of business thanks to the pandemic....​
Always kept my floatplanes there. My rating with them in 1965. Bob Munro was a saint.............
A few years ago, I accompanied my wife to a conference in Seattle. Had a day to kill so I got on one of Kenmores Beavers for the milk run around the San Juans. As I was going to be on board for the entire loop I had the chance to sit up front. 5/5 would do again.
Quite a few of Kenmore's planes flew over my house in North Seattle when I was growing up.