Just flew back from KOSH... and boy are my arms tired


Aug 1, 2007
Newark, NJ
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It was a treat to fly in, even if I didn't get to fly until the last 1.3-hr leg from KUNV to KMMU (dropped off the PIC's son and got some fuel). Best part: I didn't have to nurse my Tracker 2000 miles, and my share of the fuel bill came out to less than my expected gas 'n' toll (and who knows what else) bill for driving there and back! :yes:

Arrived Wednesday in a very nice PA-32 stuffed with 5 guys and all their camping junk ... equipped with Stormscope Serial #1 (it's a long story), which helped big-time squeaking around the boomers near Erie .

My first time on an IFR plan IMC in a light aircraft (with quite a bit of IMC on the way out), and it was very educational. ATC along the way was very helpful, doing their utmost to keep things relaxed yet efficient. The whole dreaded Ripon-Fisk thing was no big deal at all, despite in-trail 1/2-mile sequencing because 27 was closed (an accident, but not the terrible Lancair accident... not sure what it was ).

I did OK handling that whale of a plane, although my pattern at KMMU was, in my opinion, horrific. Downwind was too close, then I tried to square it off when I should've just hooked it onto final (not very comfortable banking that thing). But I got it in there without doing anything stupid... and the hour prior, flying over the hilles of eastern PA at 3000 in the setting sun, was very nice. A loaded Six flies very well if you don't touch anything. :D

My schedule was a bit cramped, but I did get to see Diana- had a brief audience in her palatial Citabria campsite (thanks for the lemonade!), and got to see her compete with the F-22(?) during her presentation. :rofl:

I know some other PoAers were there, but I wasn't sure who was who (I'm not very good with awkward social scenes) and started thinking about all the other stuff I was missing...sorry, but there's always next year. :D
I know some other PoAers were there, but I wasn't sure who was who (I'm not very good with awkward social scenes) and started thinking about all the other stuff I was missing...sorry, but there's always next year. :D

I felt the same thing about assuming other PoAers were around, but I didn't know how to be in touch. That's why we need hats or something!
Thanks for the report and forgive me for being stupit'....but why the tired arms?? I missed it. Carrying something? Working the yoke?
I just flew back from Osh yesterday and it's not just my arms that are tired. My whole body hurts.

Nothing like an out-of-shape 46 yr old couch potato like me walking around for miles and miles nonstop for 9 hours a day, three days in a row, lugging a backpack full of bottled water and gatorade the whole time and getting a scant 5 hours sleep each night in between. The 8 hour flight back home wasn't as grueling this year since I had an Air Force T-38 instructor as my copilot and he flew half the trip home. Both of us were lamenting the cruise speed of a Cherokee ;)

I slept for nearly 15 hours last night... didn't get up out of bed until 3PM
this afternoon, and darned glad I don't have to be back to work until Monday.
I just RODE back from Osh yesterday, 830 miles in 13 hours on the motorcycle, and my butt hurts!

I had a great time, though. Thanks to everyone I got to meet for helping to make it such a fun experience! I'm going back next year for sure!
I just flew back from Osh yesterday and it's not just my arms that are tired. My whole body hurts.

Nothing like an out-of-shape 46 yr old couch potato like me walking around for miles and miles nonstop for 9 hours a day, three days in a row, lugging a backpack full of bottled water and gatorade the whole time and getting a scant 5 hours sleep each night in between. The 8 hour flight back home wasn't as grueling this year since I had an Air Force T-38 instructor as my copilot and he flew half the trip home. Both of us were lamenting the cruise speed of a Cherokee ;)

I slept for nearly 15 hours last night... didn't get up out of bed until 3PM
this afternoon, and darned glad I don't have to be back to work until Monday.

Yeah. I always forget about the physcial demands. Ill have to it Oshkosh to the list (moving, pregnancy) of things that have just enough time between for you forget how painful it was last time.

I spend I lot of time trying to heal up a little. This morning, after the ibuprofens and a hot shower I felt energized. That energy lasted exact;y long enough to me to walk a load out to the van and barely halfway across the lobby. :(

I *think* I'm going to be able to make the last trip out.

I'm canceling Saturday night. I'll make a few more laps of AirVenture then slowly drag my sorry butt to the van and drive home to sleep in my own bed. :(
I drove my family up to OSH yesterday. Unfortunety I could only stay for one day with my work schedule. The kids lasted for about 5 hours which is better than I had expected. It was a long day to say the least. (I had the screaming boy in the stroller during the F-22 demo, good thing that is so loud to drowned out his crying!!) The number of airplanes is simply overwhelming. My wife was afraid with all the airplanes flying around that they would have a midair crash and hit us on the ground!!! I will spend more time at Air Venture when I get the chance. Truely a huge show!!! I don't know how much a booth cost but POA could have a booth with computers so we could talk to one another three feet away. ;)
Thanks for the report and forgive me for being stupit'....but why the tired arms?? I missed it. Carrying something? Working the yoke?

It's a reference to the old, lame Borscht-Belt comedian line; not sure who said it first (Henny Youngman?). :rolleyes:
Thanks for the report and forgive me for being stupit'....but why the tired arms?? I missed it. Carrying something? Working the yoke?

Dave its an old comedy skit I just flew in from where ever and boy are my arms tired ( As if you had been flapping them like a bird) usually followed with a ba dum bump on the drum.
Dave its an old comedy skit I just flew in from where ever and boy are my arms tired ( As if you had been flapping them like a bird) usually followed with a ba dum bump on the drum.

And as proof that good jokes never die (though sometimes they should), Foreigner opened up with that joke to the crowd on Monday, to the groans of most people attending the concert.

By the way, are we pilots that boring that they need to schedule a great band for 5:30PM? Just wondering. :dunno:
My schedule was a bit cramped, but I did get to see Diana- had a brief audience in her palatial Citabria campsite (thanks for the lemonade!),
Thanks for stopping by! It was nice having a quiet visit in the shade. :yes:

and got to see her compete with the F-22(?) during her presentation. :rofl:
Wow, was that thing loud, or what!?!? :eek: It shook the projector and the screen image was jumping up and down on the wall. :eek:
Just watched the f22 and :goofy:!

It is one nice piece.
Well, we camped for five days in the Vintage area right off the flight line of 36. It was comfy with the BBQ, cooler of beer and a nice beech umbrella. Did a lot of walking, but took a lot of breaks.

The flight up and back wasn't bad. I made sure I had the AC running well. My headset started to pinch about five hours in, but no big deal. We had a great time, I'll do it again in a few years.
Dave its an old comedy skit I just flew in from where ever and boy are my arms tired ( As if you had been flapping them like a bird) usually followed with a ba dum bump on the drum.

Doh!! got me!
I got back yesterday, took the 150 hard IFR over Canada frim KPHN to KBUF avoiding tall clouds at 12k, when we were at 9k. Not fun, but the fiancee slept threw it all.
i got a text from Steve. The See's are home.
Got back home tonight. Didn't make it to OSH, but spend time with the family on the farm in Oklahoma. Hubby shot skeet for the first time in his life --- and boy does his shoulder hurt.
My schedule was a bit cramped, but I did get to see Diana- had a brief audience in her palatial Citabria campsite (thanks for the lemonade!), and got to see her compete with the F-22(?) during her presentation. :rofl:

I have to give a big thanks to Diana as well - She was my personal welcoming crew, and fed and watered me at the end of a long day Sunday. Thanks, Diana! :yes:
We flew back yesterday and enjoyed an uneventful flight home. We taxied out to Rwy 9 at 10:05 and after absolutely zero minutes of waiting, we were directed right up to the hold short line and given take-off clearance. We departed straight out, in a climb to 11,500 to cross the lake. The ride at 9500 was smooth enough and the winds-aloft were in our favor so we stopped there and contacted approach just crossing the mid-point (around fix GAYLE). We were surprsised to hear of another aircraft just in front of us enroute to Doylestown which is only 10 miles away from our home field of Wings (KLOM) in Southeastern Pennsylvania. We stopped at 29G for fuel and lunch and continued on in to Wings from there. There were lots of scattered cells along the 2nd leg but nothing turbulent or towering.

Hope everyone else had smooth and uneventful rides home as well. Can't wait til next year!

Home to find the power out when we go there. Seems a storm took out the line Saturday night and we did not get it back until around noon TODAY. So we got a couple extra days camping. Plugging in the generator saved everything in the freezer except the chocolate on the Dove Bars (we still had a full ice bin).

Had a little weather to contend with coming and going but the week at OSH was "fabulous".


i got a text from Steve. The See's are home.