Joyriding Jet Thief Gets FOUR Years

I recall this story well. It gets better from my perspective.

Last month, I was in the office of my CFI instructor. Someone had brought up Wolcott for some reason. I asked Brian if he had heard anything more since his ears stay pretty close to what's going on around Atlanta. He quietly says, "All I know is he was my student."

The few of us in his office cracked up. I jokingly said something like, "So, you taught him to do that?" Brian only got him through his private ticket. Apparently, Wolcott's father is a corporate pilot so "little Daniel" knew the start up procedures from years of flying with his dad. When opportunity struck, young Daniel had no problem flying off with someone else's business jet.
If he did log it, it's most certainly his last... ever.
Let's hope so. He's unworthy. He was very lucky nothing went wrong...single-pilot cert or no, that's not a plane you want to handle alone in an emergency if you haven't flown one before. Incredibly stupid.

I hope having his wings clipped hurts more than the jail time... I know I'd rather do a 10-year stretch than know I couldn't fly anymore.
Something tells me taking away his ticket isn't going to stop him from flying, if he's so inclined.
Something tells me taking away his ticket isn't going to stop him from flying, if he's so inclined.

You're probably right. But for Pete's sake, what was this guy thinking when he did it? Shows an inability or unwillingness to think through and consider consequences, which to me is a pretty important attribute for a pilot. Maybe 4 years in the can will give him time to think about it...thank goodness he didn't kill himself or his friends during this stunt.

Trapper John