Is not Colorado for the next 2 months


Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 21, 2008
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Aug 28-29: TFR around FNL (Ft Collins)
Sep 1-2: TFR around Denver. That's pretty much ruins the Labor Day weekend. There's a Colorado Pilots flyin to Cody, WY for the weekend. Leave early and don't come back until Monday.

Pay attention to NOTAMs for the next couple months...
The VIP NOTAM alerts stuffing my inbox are seriously ****ing me off.

I really wish all the Californians hasn't moved here in the 90's and dragged this stupidity here with them. That, and built Highlands Ranch.

The VIP NOTAM alerts stuffing my inbox are seriously ****ing me off.

I really wish all the Californians hasn't moved here in the 90's and dragged this stupidity here with them. That, and built Highlands Ranch.


It might be time for Texas to take Colorado back... :D
It might be time for Texas to take Colorado back... :D

Texans need to worry more about Texas. By all accountants, Texas is moving toward being liberal. Even when they show the red and the blue states on the political maps, Texas isn't red or blue it's light red. In another 5-10 years Texas will be a blue state.
Texans need to worry more about Texas. By all accountants, Texas is moving toward being liberal. Even when they show the red and the blue states on the political maps, Texas isn't red or blue it's light red. In another 5-10 years Texas will be a blue state with about half as many GA pilots as now and commensurately fewer worries about TFR's. Even Cutler will be drooling in his oatmeal by then.

Sorry, fell asleep. Drooling. Puddle. Ick.
Being based in Dallas, we of course vigorously enforce the rules of the TSA (Texas Security Administration) with my passengers: Remington's, Brownings, Glocks or similar are no problem but I draw the line at any explosive ordinance.
Colorado phe! Try living in Ohio. All those candidate types creeping about. Bleech!
Texans need to worry more about Texas. By all accountants, Texas is moving toward being liberal. Even when they show the red and the blue states on the political maps, Texas isn't red or blue it's light red. In another 5-10 years Texas will be a blue state.

There was a time when you had to declare party affiliation to get a state job in Texas. And if it wasn't Democrat, you were out of luck. I left in the early 80's. Guess that's when the shift to the right began.
Just back to OH from a week in Iceland and NO POLITICAL ADS! It was heaven (in addition to seeing the people and their country).

When I got back, if it is ten minutes without an ad on TV for an election of somebody, your TV must be off. The local news is the worst. A news story followed immediately with a "Romney is a bum" ad then a news story followed immediately with a "Obama is a bum" ad and on and on and on a solid 90 minutes if you enjoy torture. :rolleyes2:

I hate being in a "battleground" state.:sad:

See? Living in Central Oregon is perfect. Oregon's primary is too late for anyone to care. Our population is too small for anyone to worry about. And we have a mountain range that separates us from the tree-huggers in the population centers of the Willamette Valley. :thumbsup:
That's why I'm grabbing the fly rod and heading to the woods this weekend ... unless there's "no fly" zones there, too? :D Then I would have to switch to worms!
That's why I'm grabbing the fly rod and heading to the woods this weekend ... unless there's "no fly" zones there, too? :D Then I would have to switch to worms!

Knowing the TFR (but not the BJC/Boulder part of it) I planned to drive up to Estes Park on Sunday to avoid aviation & auto traffic. But I'm guessing traffic/detours will be a nightmare going thru Boulder. And the regular holiday traffic on Monday will be horrendous coming back from the hills.

Finally get time to go do something fun and this gets in the way. Guess I'm staying home this weekend. Take dog to the off-leash dog park. That'll be the highlight of the weekend. He'll have a wonderful time.

Whatever happened to the phrase "and the pursuit of happiness"?

Just back to OH from a week in Iceland and NO POLITICAL ADS! It was heaven (in addition to seeing the people and their country).

When I got back, if it is ten minutes without an ad on TV for an election of somebody, your TV must be off. The local news is the worst. A news story followed immediately with a "Romney is a bum" ad then a news story followed immediately with a "Obama is a bum" ad and on and on and on a solid 90 minutes if you enjoy torture. :rolleyes2:

I hate being in a "battleground" state.:sad:


DVR (or Tivo) everything and you can blast by the mudslinging.
I'll probably brave the rolling TFRs. Something about, "Some spoiled brat politician who never worked a day in his life, from Chicago, says you can't go flying on your holiday weekend, because he decided to visit your beautiful State, built by people far tougher than he will ever be and grub like the beggar he is, for money," rubs me the wrong way.

It'll be all safe and legal. Just not going to let the above happen. :)

My great grandmother Ford (distant relation to Henry, very distant) homesteaded in South Park. That'll explain a lot, even if you only know the fake South Park from TV. ;)
Good lord. The "VIP" needs to go somewhere else.

I'll probably brave the rolling TFRs. Something about, "Some spoiled brat politician who never worked a day in his life, from Chicago, says you can't go flying on your holiday weekend, because he decided to visit your beautiful State, built by people far tougher than he will ever be and grub like the beggar he is, for money," rubs me the wrong way.

It'll be all safe and legal. Just not going to let the above happen. :)

My great grandmother Ford (distant relation to Henry, very distant) homesteaded in South Park. That'll explain a lot, even if you only know the fake South Park from TV. ;)

It's both sides now. Was still fun to see AF1 land at FNL last week.
AF1's mini-me light twin. Ha.

I still keep wondering which donor he's catering to here. Polis and his buddies, who quite literally, bought the Colorado House votes in, what was it, '04?

Very odd hanging out here all weekend while Louisiana might like a visit. No money or votes there, I guess.
AF1's mini-me light twin. Ha.

I still keep wondering which donor he's catering to here. Polis and his buddies, who quite literally, bought the Colorado House votes in, what was it, '04?

Very odd hanging out here all weekend while Louisiana might like a visit. No money or votes there, I guess.

Looking at the TFR update sat night, it appears that Sioux City & Des Moines are cancelled. The Louisiana trip was announced on Friday for this coming Monday.
I have not been inconvenienced by the scumbag politicians BUT as I keep pointing out some pilots who do have their holiday plans disrupted need to group up and file a 'show cause' motion with the Federal District Court as to why the public airspace is being taken without a hearing, without an environmental impact statement, and without compensation...
I have not been inconvenienced by the scumbag politicians BUT as I keep pointing out some pilots who do have their holiday plans disrupted need to group up and file a 'show cause' motion with the Federal District Court as to why the public airspace is being taken without a hearing, without an environmental impact statement, and without compensation...

Having spent most of my professional career working contracts for the DOD, NASA & FAA, it's a waste of time, money & effort. Find me a constitutional lawyer who will do this pro bono. Didn't think so.

Any attempt will be tossed without any fanfare under the clause "National Security". Even if does make it to a docket (in less than 5 years) the presiding judge will have a difficult time keeping a straight face.
He finally left. Wonder how big the checks were and from whom? I'm sure they were "building from the middle class out". ROFL.
AF1's mini-me light twin. Ha.

I still keep wondering which donor he's catering to here. Polis and his buddies, who quite literally, bought the Colorado House votes in, what was it, '04?

Very odd hanging out here all weekend while Louisiana might like a visit. No money or votes there, I guess.

Not sure how much Pat Stryker might have influenced the two (08 & 12) visites to Fort Collins.
Well it's definitely interesting to try to "follow the money", anyway. Forgot about Stryker. Wasn't he involved in one of the failed solar companies?

Oh well. Folks always get cranky when I say it's all about money and then go dig up some evidence toward same. People really want to believe platforms and ideals and what-not, and have almost no idea how much they're being played... by both of the big money Parties and the media who need "battles" to feed their propaganda machines.

We were chatting over dinner tonight with family and one of the folks at the table related a story of a younger American who was working as a temp at his office. The conversation somehow led to politics and they found out that this person didn't even know that Bill Clinton was ever President. To her, he was just some guy on TV.

Then they asked, "Who was President before Bill Clinton?" The young lady responded, "Abraham Lincoln? Or maybe it was Martin Luther King...?"

Seriously. If you asked her, "Who freed the slaves?" she knew that was Lincoln, but she shouldn't make the logical leap that there probably wasn't any slave-freeing going on in the last couple of decades and rule out Lincoln with simple thought and logic.

The person said that the conversation just stopped out of shock and embarrassment.

The young lady wasn't DUMB, that wasn't the issue. She just had zero information about historical things in her head.

She could rattle off what happened in every episode of [insert various reality TV shows here] but had no education on who the Country's leaders were.


He'd coined a term for it, "the underinformed". Or maybe, as he said, "informed about the wrong things".

He had said that to counter my trout that the bell curve is sliding to the left/lower end. He was right. These folks aren't lower in intelligence, they just have no idea what's going on. They usually respond well to explanations right up until,you hit something truthful that doesn't ring true for them against some propaganda piece they've heard about and then they argue vehemently that you're wrong...

An interesting change in perspective for me tonight. "Underinformed" isn't exactly the same as "stupid". I'm still processing this new revelation.
An interesting change in perspective for me tonight. "Underinformed" isn't exactly the same as "stupid". I'm still processing this new revelation.

It wouldn't be stupid to make no effort to change being underinformed?
I have for a long time used the term 'functional illiterates' to describe young folks like this young lady...
Yes, they are bright and good looking... Yes they can read but most of the words mean nothing to them unless, and only if, it is on specific topics...
These kinds of young people can only exist in dysfunctional societies such as the westernized industrial countries and the islamic theocracys...
I really wish all the Californians hasn't moved here in the 90's and dragged this stupidity here with them. That, and built Highlands Ranch.


It has really changed the nature of the Front Range forever. If you look at Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, and parts of Parker, and Castle Rock its like they took the southern California cul-de-sac communities and just relocated them to CO.
It has really changed the nature of the Front Range forever. If you look at Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, and parts of Parker, and Castle Rock its like they took the southern California cul-de-sac communities and just relocated them to CO.

Then they moved north.:(
We were looking at maybe "moving further out of town" recently, and I have to admit, Castle Rock is awful. Wow. We took one look and said, "yuck" and crossed it off the short list.

We did some soul-searching about priorities after looking around Elizabeth and what-not and decided our old brick beast built in 1968 in Centennial, long before Centennial existed, when it was out in the middle of nowhere, is still the most economical and wise decision for the time-being.

Just doubling our fuel expenses to be "in the country" makes no sense unless you had a need to be out there (horse property, if you were into the big animals, for example...).

Also looking at real-estate listings further south along Perry Park Road (I remember when that was literally the middle-of-nowhere) and seeing those rediculous $20 million dollar ranch-compounds, along there with everything in-between being a $2-$4 million dollar property, was an eye opener. a) Who the hell buys those, and b) WTF?

Plus, my garage workshop is finally organized after 10+ years... hahaha... why screw up a good thing(TM)?! :)
Well it's definitely interesting to try to "follow the money", anyway. Forgot about Stryker. Wasn't he involved in one of the failed solar companies?

Not sure about solar but she is #512 on Forbes world list.

"Patricia A. Stryker is the granddaughter of Homer Stryker, surgeon and founder of Stryker Corporation, a medical technology company. The low-profile heiress has been more active in civic life in recent years, with an interest in liberal causes. Wikipedia"
One of these days my "horse property" without any horses in Elizabeth may be for sale. I thought I would like living out in the country but I have had mixed feelings about it the entire time. Now it's, by far, the cheapest option for me since I bought it at the right time. There's also the fact that inertia is my middle name, that is, after procrastination....
Not sure about solar but she is #512 on Forbes world list.

"Patricia A. Stryker is the granddaughter of Homer Stryker, surgeon and founder of Stryker Corporation, a medical technology company. The low-profile heiress has been more active in civic life in recent years, with an interest in liberal causes. Wikipedia"

Ahhh was thinking of someone else.

Stryker is the company with the piles of lawsuits against them for badly designed hip replacements, I believe. See them named on those ambulance chaser late night lawyer commercials on TV.