Is it talking to you

The best safety equipment I take with me on every flight are: My eyes and my mind.

The 2nd best is "My Visa."

I 11 years and almost 1500 hrs I have left my plane 2 times, returning home with a rental car from hotwire with the intent to come back for the plane the following weekend or few weeks later.

One time I left my plane in California for about 4-5 weeks as wx system after wx system cross my path...I could have gone earlier but I was hoping for a clear vfr path for 1300 miles so I could make it in one pass.

The other time I left the Cherokee in Chandler AZ to get the mags IRAN'd as I was having difficulty flying above 6000.'
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It may not be all that important but I have made it a practice to leave my headsets off for start-up and I listen to the engine for a good two minutes or so. I am just listening for anything that sounds different.
On aopa forums there are some threads as to whether the noise canceling head sets are a good thing as far as safety not only during setup, startup and taxi but at any phase of flight.
On aopa forums there are some threads as to whether the noise canceling head sets are a good thing as far as safety not only during setup, startup and taxi but at any phase of flight.

That's about right for the red board.

Do the "fly with your eyes closed" thing with a CFI: do it once with non-ANR and then do it with ANR. See which one allows you to actually hold altitude because you can hear the wind noise well enough to tell what is going on. My instructor complained that I wasn't holding heading...

ANR helps in all aspects as near as I can tell.