Is it hot enough for you?

I reset one of my thermometers last night. For the last week, the lowest temp outside was 73.6, lowest inside was 76.7. Peaks were 102 and 89, respectively.

I have a pretty sucky HVAC system in this rental home. Of course, it doesn't help that the moron built it without vents in the roof. The air handler and duct work is in the attic. :mad:
I agree heartily. The way I look at it, you can always put more clothes on. You can only take so many off!

Exactly! Get this - there is a 13 mile hike, crossing three "peaks" (1600' is the highest, but all start a sea level) that I do 4 or 5 times a year. With ice and other such dangerous things on the granite, I can average 1-2 hours faster in the depths of winter than summer. Why? I can manage my core temp better.


71 :dunno: I haven't seen 71 for a LOW temp in over a month! Heck, this morning was down to a comfortable 76 when I left for work at 6:30.

I was camping in West Barnet, VT two weekends ago; went without the fly and the ultralight gear. Got down to 42F that night, and a high of only 76F during the day. THAT is what I call living.


give me cold, give me snow, but you can take this heat and shove it
In short, temp 107 with a heat index of 118. As much as I love the heat, this is the worst month I can ever recall. Never mind we are almost 20" behind in rain fall year to date.

About the same as Chattanooga. We're now classified as D4 drought, exceptional:

It hasn't rained at my house in over a month. :(
Are you practicing up there or commuting down down to the belly of the beast?

He gets to work in Georgetown. Must be nice. I've done a lot of 4 wheeling in my Jeep around there. Great part of Colorado. But then again its all good.
He gets to work in Georgetown. Must be nice. I've done a lot of 4 wheeling in my Jeep around there. Great part of Colorado. But then again its all good.
Georgetown? Wasn't there a story up there a few years ago about the mayor, hooker, stripper or something? Koleen Brooks, if I recall?

David, who was it you were dating up there? :)
Georgetown? Wasn't there a story up there a few years ago about the mayor, hooker, stripper or something? Koleen Brooks, if I recall?

David, who was it you were dating up there? :)

Dude - you don't know how often I get asked about that!! She's actually written a book that will be released in the near future, if it hasn't been already.

As far as G-town being great, it is. It reminds me a lot of where I grew up - the same type of people, the same type of atmosphere. Replace former miners with former farmers or former watermen, and I could be back in Maryland.