Iphone forgetting contacts


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
Display Name

Display name:
Right Seater
My Iphone has begun forgetting names associated with phone numbers. Not all of them, but a lot of them, and it keeps forgetting more. I add them back but sometimes it forgets them again.

I have several groups that text each other regularly. All of the numbers used to be associated with a name. Now I get texts from phone numbers that go to the right thread, but the name is no longer associated with it.

Is there any sort of rebuild for this, or is there any sort of setting that could cause this? I don't recall exactly when it started because at first it was just a few. But it is really getting annoying.

Yeah, I know; get an Android. I will as soon as Foreflight converts, or get's much worse.
Is it synching with another device (iPad, MacBook, iCloud)?

Maybe when it syncs, it's replacing your contact info with info from the other device and you are losing something in the process?
Is it synching with another device (iPad, MacBook, iCloud)?

Maybe when it syncs, it's replacing your contact info with info from the other device and you are losing something in the process?
That's a possibility. I try to keep that turned off, but I think updates sometime turn synching back on and I did recently get two new Ipads; a new mini 5 for my wife and a new Pro 10.5 for me.

Can you point me in the right direction for checking that? I have stumbled across some settings before, but I am never sure what unexpected results I may get when I change one.
I haven't figured out all the ways the iThings can sync.

You can sync through iTunes (that can sometimes leave a mess) or through iCloud. I think if you sync through iTunes it can over-write some contact info with older info.

I *think* the iCloud will keep the master list so that if you change something on one device it will be the most "current" and then get sent to the others.

I found this:

I still don't know how it all works.


On the phone -

Settings > (your name)> iCloud > Apps using iCloud, allows you to turn on or off whatever apps you want to be able to access iCloud data.
You might need to get into your iCloud account and verify your contact info there. I wonder if there are two copies of some of them, one in your phone and another in the iCloud. I don't know you to check that from a phone, you'll need to go to iCloud.com and log in.
Related question: Is there a way to force a contact created on an Iphone to reside on an Exchange account? This isn't a problem with the Ipad, but I can't seem to get it to work on the Iphone. I cannot find a field that dictates where the contact is saved to.

Yes, I know I can share it and re-create it on the Exchange side, then delete it on the phone, but what a PITA.