

Filing Flight Plan
Jul 17, 2014
North Las Vegas, NV
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I think I got started off on the wrong foot with my initial thread about kick starter but aside from that, hello to everyone on POA.

I currenly have my student Pilot certificate and have flown about 4 hours. I am in flight school and i am flying out of KVGT. Ive been interested in flying for many years and took my orientation flight/tour while in Okinawa, Japan in 2010.

It wasnt until recently that i decided to once again pursue flying. It was my supervisor who really pushed me to start again, he just received his commercial license for rotary. Although i am pursuing fix wing, he has really helped me alot with studying. I pick his brain daily.

I am a member of AOPA and seeking a scholarship for flying through them, come October, I am hoping to be on their list.

Any guidance or advice for this rookie, is welcomed and greatly appreciated.
I think I got started off on the wrong foot with my initial thread about kick starter but aside from that, hello to everyone on POA.

I currenly have my student Pilot certificate and have flown about 4 hours. I am in flight school and i am flying out of KVGT. Ive been interested in flying for many years and took my orientation flight/tour while in Okinawa, Japan in 2010.

It wasnt until recently that i decided to once again pursue flying. It was my supervisor who really pushed me to start again, he just received his commercial license for rotary. Although i am pursuing fix wing, he has really helped me alot with studying. I pick his brain daily.

I am a member of AOPA and seeking a scholarship for flying through them, come October, I am hoping to be on their list.

Any guidance or advice for this rookie, is welcomed and greatly appreciated.

Wow. Class D, under class B, adjacent to MOA, restricted areas, in high DA environment.

You are going to learn a lot early on. Try not to get overwhelmed and bring on the questions if you have em.

I have the screenshot from skyvector as my computer desktop for the local airspace. I try to stay as far away as possible from KLAS because it is very hectic around that area.
Welcome! Your other thread will die down and be forgotten soon enough. Hope it all goes well for you, and looking forward to seeing you progress.
Welcome to POA, and aviation!

Obviously, there are mixed feelings about how you intended to fund your endeavor. My goal wasn't to attack you personally, just your avenue of approach. I hope that distinction was clear. I apologize if it wasn't. I, and nearly everyone here, would like to see you succeed.

I was hoping you'd research the VA benefits a little more. I didn't want to spoon feed you the information, but as others said in your first thread, you can have an entire pilot career course funded by the Post 9/11 GI Bill if it's provided by a qualified Institute of Higher Learning (IHL). Since you're goal is to fly for the airlines, you'll want a four year degree at some point, but there are also many associate's (2 year) programs that qualify as well.

In other words, if you can find a way to be a full time student, take on some extra classes, and fly a lot, you could go from 0 to CFII/MEI in less than two years, as long as you are successful in the schoolwork. This would be at no cost to you (with the Post 9/11 GI Bill). You wouldn't have to pay for your private certificate.

And, you can get a free blog through Wordpress, Blogspot, and numerous other places. They're very easy to set up and customize a little bit, so you wouldn't need a web developer at all. Videos can obviously be hosted at Youtube at no cost (and can actually make you a little money if you get a lot of traffic).

Anyways, stick with it. Expect a ribbing here and there. This [aviation] is the land of strong opinions and outspoken people, the perfect combination. :D

Fly safe.