Interesting departure from KDTO (Denton, TX) today.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Had an interesting departure today leaving Denton to come to ScottD's weather event in Houston.

As I pulled into the runup area for RWY 18, a Cirrus and a Seneca were holding short 1 and 2. Runup takes me about 4 minutes including my pretake off checklist.

I switch to tower frequency and just sit tight in the runup area since there is no use crowding the other two planes. 5 more minutes go by with just a King Air arriving and landing.

I was about to call up tower or ground to ask what was happening when the Cirrus calls Tower and asks about his IFR release. Zach (one of the really good controllers) responds something is going on over at Alliance and Departure hasn't provided the release yet.

Zach then asks the Seneca if he has room to turn back to the taxiway and go to A2 for an intersection departure. Unfortunately, the Seneca had snugged up too far and couldn't make the turn. Since I had not yet left the runup area, I piped up and said I would take that opportunity.

Tower: "55WB, cleared down Taxiway Alpha to Alpha2, hold short of the runway." I read back the clearance and headed to A2.

The interesting bit was I was less than 50 yard from where I was before I get "Cleared for takeoff, Runway One Eight." I still got a ways to go down the taxiway and I'm cleared with no delay.

First time I had that happen. I verified the clearance as I came up on A2's hold short line, took the runway, and off I go to Sugarland.

Never a dull moment at the airport!
Always leave room to get to the runway... Being Addison- based has taught me that!

Enjoy the WX seminar, will be waiting for a pirep.

Btw, two words. Sugar. Land. Not, "Sugarland."
we love him any way.
hope he is having a great seminar with Scott.

Would like to have been able to attend.
An IFR aircraft should never block runway access if he is on a hold for release in VFR conditions.

The tower could also taxi the Cirrus down the runway to A2 and get the Seneca out. Then put the Cirrus behind you.
Yeah, A2 isn't that far and sending him down and around would have worked. Next time I connect with Zach, I'll ask him if he had thought of that.
Seminar going very good. About 16 folks.

Sugar. Land. is a very nice airport. The sprawl of space fits the Houston vibe very well.