I'm Going Solar -- How About You?

I've been looking. I'm actually really keen on a new, *plastic* solar cell developed by Dr. Alan Heeger and Konarka. It's still in the lab stages now, but the solar cell compound can be printed like an ink on thin flexible membranes and begins producing electricity more efficiently than photosynthesis (ie: faster than).

I was looking at some conventional solar...

One vendor recommended a $135,000 solution.

With my electric bill ... it'd take 20 years to recoup that.
You must maintain a dedicated residential telephone line. Again, if you fail to maintain a connection with your local telephone service, this may be grounds for default in the Forward Rental Agreement, and your REnU may be removed.

Vonage user.

Interesting idea tho...

They set up a solar system, they pay for it, you pay them for the electricity instead of your power company. Surplus energy goes to the grid and lowers your regular utility cost.

But they seem opposed to over producing, and they charge you based on what your power company charges...so...green but no *real* savings?
I saw a Citizenre display here and talked to the guy, and went to their website last May. I was impressed till I read that (at that time) they didn't actually have any working units in operation.

I do like the concept, though. Lease the equipment to avoid the ridiculous capital outlay for solar. I hope it works and will catch on, and I'd definitely consider doing it. Not for touchy-feely greenie reasons, just because I'd like to be independent of the local electric authority.
What's happening, at present, is the setting-up of regional installers. When that has occurred an engineer shall attend the client's residence and complete the analysis of panel requirements based upon the client's history of power use from the standard supplier.
