ILS 26 at Lewiston ID, KLWS

You know I just sat here for the last ten minutes and answered your questions Lance and in the process of trying to post...I lost my response. Anyway, I'll try again. I've seen prototype charts with runway headings on them as prototypes and they are terrifically cluttered. One of the reasons for moving the briefing strip to the top of the page was to reduce clutter and make the chart more usable. Adding the runway heading, which of course is subject to change with MAGVAR change, rounding, etc. just took away more than it added. But, if you feel strongly about it, contact NACO, or Jepp and make a suggestion.
About establishing stepdowns on the LOC via VOR radials. Part of procedure design is to give you a safe, useable, and flyable approach that meets the single pilot in a marginally eqipped airplane test. To give this approach LOC mins that would be any better than what you have now, you would need many radials. That would add clutter to the chart. It would also required a bunch of OBS turning to reliably fix your position on the LOC which sorta violates the ease of use rule. In short, using the GS to deliver you to a circling MDA is a pretty good idea and it allows the use of the no penetration crieria versus the standard ROC criteria for a LOC. Yeah, the decent gradient might get a bit wierd too depending on the position of the underlying obstacle(s).
I wish I hadn't lost my first post.