If the POTUS was a pilot ... ?


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Display name:
Fox McCloud
Just doing a lil intellectual self-pleasurement at work and got to thinking. Given the hovering TFR and other stuff what would happen if a future POTUS was an active pilot with a small (<12500lbs) ASEL or AMEL?

Would he ever get ramped?
Would he always be lead in a formation of escorts?
Would he always be #1 and only for landing?
Could he bust his own TFR? and would they intercept and detain him?
Would he ever get ramped?
I don't think an FAA inspector could get past eight guys with guns. :rolleyes:
Would he always be lead in a formation of escorts?
No, that's the Governor of New York. :blowingkisses::blowingkisses::blowingkisses:
Would he always be #1 and only for landing?
"Any heads of state in the pattern please advise!" :p
Could he bust his own TFR? and would they intercept and detain him?
Who needs an ASRS report when you can write your own pardon? ;) He might need it though; he wouldn't be able to get through to AFSS for a briefing either.
Could he bust his own TFR? and would they intercept and detain him?

Can you bust the TFR if you never leave it, or rather start in it?

Another one...would he be grounded if Air Force Two is at the same airport?
I'm the president gosh darn it! I dare you to stop me!
That changed on November 22, 1963. In any event, they really won't let him fly such a plane. If nothing else, it puts him out of touch with the command and control system.
This title just begs for a Dr. Seuss'ing ... but I don't think I'm feeling creative enough to do it justice.

If the POTUS was a pilot,
not a potted plant you see,
Would he go flying off
all alone to be?

Secret Service all a twitter,
their necks out on a limb
The boss has gone a flyin'
with a copilot dog named Jim.

Jim is current in his ratings
His medical is fine
He's very good on gauges,
Except old Jim is blind.

The POTUS is the pilot
and has the final say
to launch without a flight plan
across the TFR today.

The POTUS is a pilot
but SECDEF's right behind
with Hillary and Obama
the blind leading the blind.

If POTUS is a pilot
and piloting his plan,
if the weather became atrocious
would he become man?

To put the plane on final,
lined up on the mark,
Another successful touchdown,
Old Jim says with a bark.

Sorry, it's early and I've only had 1 coffee so far.
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This title just begs for a Dr. Seuss'ing ... but I don't think I'm feeling creative enough to do it justice.

If the POTUS was a pilot,
not a potted plant you see,
Would he go flying off
all alone to be?

Secret Service all a twitter,
their necks out on a limb
The boss has gone a flyin'
with a copilot dog named Jim.

Jim is current in his ratings
His medical is fine
He's very good on gauges,
Except old Jim is blind.

The POTUS is the pilot
and has the final say
to launch without a flight plan
across the TFR today.

The POTUS is a pilot
but SECDEF's right behind
with Hillary and Obama
the blind leading the blind.

If POTUS is a pilot
and piloting his plan,
if the weather became atrocious
would he become man?

To put the plane on final,
lined up on the mark,
Another successful touchdown,
Old Jim says with a bark.

Sorry, it's early and I've only had 1 coffee so far.

Nice work. I laughed out loud.