I don't know how to take pictures


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Apr 12, 2016
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I like flying. Probably so do you. I like taking pictures while flying. Probably so do you.

I suck at taking pictures while flying. Maybe you don't.

Took the day off work to do a doggie flight today. Picked up this cute little guy just east of Lexington, KY.


Well that's not a bad picture you say? That's cuz I was on the ground. We headed from the Lexington area over to St. Louis. On the way you pass by Louisville. I'm still at that part of my flying (that I hope I never lose) where I get giddy over seeing big jets. So here comes this UPS 767 in to land and he's coming right across my nose. Awesome. Pull out my camera and snap a few pictures. Once I get home I excitedly show my wife the big iron I got vectored around. She couldn't see it. That's because I stink at taking pictures. Now before you say :needpics: here is what I got.


Do you see him? See, right there in front of me. The big UPS 767. He was larger than life in real time. Where is he in the picture?!?!?! If you zoom in, eventually you can find him. I promise.

So maybe you say, hey dummy, zoom in next time. Yeah well, ok. But how much? My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S6. How much zoom is good zoom? Please teach me how to take pictures. Because otherwise you get your phone full of this...


Isn't that an amazing UPS 767 over Lousiville??? Wait, you can't see him. :mad2:

That's all I've got.
Yeah and then I don't even take a picture of the F-18 parked next to me on the ramp. Gah!
Get a real camera. Did well with my old 12x optical zoom. New camera has 42x, but it's difficult to keep on a target at any thing over 15 or 20.
Get a digital SLR with a good zoom and fill the frame (70% is conventional) with that 767.

This is going to be rather difficult with an iPhone.

Be aware that looking through a viewfinder can induce motion sickness even for seasoned pilots who never get it otherwise.

I assume someone else was flying. Dividing your attention will yield crappy photos or crappy flying, or fairly likely, both.