How to use the latest NTSB CAROL site to find accidents


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I posted yesterday how I was having no luck using the site, since then I talked to an ERAU librarian (free chat service) who spelled out HowTo, thought others might find it useful.
The example below is for searching for all accidents of a certain aircraft make and date range.
  1. From the main CAROL query page, click on Advanced Search in the upper left corner
  2. Using the Field dropdown menu, select Aviation Fields -> Aircraft Info -> Aircraft Make
  3. Set the Condition field to contains (it should default to this)
  4. In the Query field, enter: <aircraft make>
  5. On the far right, click Add Rule
  6. Using the Field dropdown menu on the new rule line, select Common Investigation Fields -> Basic Info -> Event Date
  7. Set the Condition field to Is on or after
  8. Enter the earliest date for which you want to find accidents in MM/DD/YYYY format (i.e., for the past 12 months, you would enter 06/21/20)
  9. Click the SEARCH icon on the right
  10. You should end up with a list of accidents; click on the PDF link in the Report field to view the full report for each.
Enter the earliest date for which you want to find accidents in MM/DD/YYYY format (i.e., for the past 12 months, you would enter 06/21/20)

You have to enter the year as a four digit number. Your example should read 06/21/2020.