How to code STARs using DUAT or the like?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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OK, I've been using duat lately to get my briefings and for filing IFR plans. My question is, how do you code a STAR?

For instance Genus One into KLUK, the name on the plate is GENUS.GENUS1, is that what I would put into duat?

Also, do you put in the first fix in the STAR as a regular waypoint, or just put in the one prior to the STAR, then enter the STAR?
I do NOT list the transition waypoint separately from the descriptor in the STAR; the fix should be referenced once only.
Best way on CSC DUATS is to use the "Low Altitude Auto-Routing w/SID/STAR." When you hit the "Submit request" button, you'll be presented with all the SID/STAR options at the departure and destination airports. It may give you the suggested STAR routing in the "Arrival route" box, in which case you can just hit "Submit request" to take it. If the box is blank (or you want a different STAR), pick the one you want from the list below the route fill-in blocks, copy it into the "Arrival route" box, and then hit "Submit request" -- the system will fill in the rest of your route. Note that you only copy the actual transition you plan to use. In this case, you can put in either "GENUS.GENUS1" if you have just want to get to GENUS from wherever you start, or "IIU.GENUS1" if you know you'll be arriving from overhead Louisville VORTAC (IIU).

If you have a specific route you want to use (i.e., not the auto-router), you can just flight plan to the start of any SID you want and then type in the route you want along with the SID you want.

For example, if you're flying out of Owensboro to Lunken, you can do any of the following:

1. Low Altitude Auto-Routing w/SID/STAR: Copy either IIU.GENUS1 or GENUS.GENUS1 into the "Arrival route" block and hit "Submit request."

2. User-selected: Type in the route you want up to a starting point for the STAR, and then the STAR (Examples: APALO V4 IIU IIU.GENUS1, or APALO V4 IIU V512 CLEGG GENUS GENUS.GENUS1). Then hit "Submit request."
2. User-selected: Type in the route you want up to a starting point for the STAR, and then the STAR (Examples: APALO V4 IIU IIU.GENUS1, or APALO V4 IIU V512 CLEGG GENUS GENUS.GENUS1). Then hit "Submit request."

OK, this was the biggest question, include the STAR starting fix in the normal route, then tack on the STAR name itself.

OK, I'll give it a wing, and I'm going into LUK on Wednesday.