Henning, your my hero


Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
West Coast Resistance
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Ack...city life
Think of this as an unabashed attempt to get Henning to spill the beans on his experiences.

He's cruised the seven seas for money (if not money, then what???), he's flown charter, is typed in at least one type, ferried aircraft to parts unknown (to us), he's an A&P, sprayed in S. America, and always his posts demonstrate a high degree of knowledge and professionalism which is somehow amazing to me because I think he's a cross between a fun loving Jimmy Buffet and some nefarious below-the-radar bush pilot...

What am I missing?

Reminds me a lot of some of things I've done in my life but I feel like a rank ameteur because Henning has taking those activities to the nth degree. And, he's even younger than me.
Richard said:
Think of this as an unabashed attempt to get Henning to spill the beans on his experiences.

He's cruised the seven seas for money (if not money, then what???), he's flown charter, is typed in at least one type, ferried aircraft to parts unknown (to us), he's an A&P, sprayed in S. America, and always his posts demonstrate a high degree of knowledge and professionalism which is somehow amazing to me because I think he's a cross between a fun loving Jimmy Buffet and some nefarious below-the-radar bush pilot...

What am I missing?

His website?

lancefisher said:

Wow, I forgot that one was out there, normally it's www.caphenning.com
Well, I'm stuck up in Long Island at least until tommorrow, seems that the "Promised Land" for the new millenium is So. Fla. and the annual Passover pilgrimage is underway and I can't seem to find a flight out:rolleyes: . Oh well, could be worse, could be cold and raining...DOH! it is cold and raining.:(
Richard said:
Think of this as an unabashed attempt to get Henning to spill the beans on his experiences.

He's cruised the seven seas for money (if not money, then what???), he's flown charter, is typed in at least one type, ferried aircraft to parts unknown (to us), he's an A&P, sprayed in S. America, and always his posts demonstrate a high degree of knowledge and professionalism which is somehow amazing to me because I think he's a cross between a fun loving Jimmy Buffet and some nefarious below-the-radar bush pilot...

What am I missing?

Reminds me a lot of some of things I've done in my life but I feel like a rank ameteur because Henning has taking those activities to the nth degree. And, he's even younger than me.

Well, I hate to blow my image, but I'm just out here doing what I can to make a living. I take what comes my way, the more they offer, the better. I haven't ever taken the "Free plane and $40,000 a trip" deal, although it has been offered to me several times. BTW I'm not an A&P. I worked as an unlicensed mechanic, back in the day working at a Repair Station, I could sign under the stations number, I've heard that this has changed. I've been a mechanic for a long time (my friend has a picture of me putting a Crower FI unit on his race car when I was 8) so turning wrenches is turning wrenches, and the rest of the stuff I picked up OJT. I'm just another workin' stiff.