Help with a movie title


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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There was a movie I saw in the 1970's about a family flying in I think a Bo and they have to land out in the desert for some reason. While stranded the family has to deal with all their demons i.e. like father and son do not get alone. Some cheesy stuff if I recall.

Dad finally does something to get the plane ready to go but has to hand prop the plane and gets hit by the prop. The son has to fly. They head west but there are clouds and when they break out are over water. The see and aircraft carrier and try to land but end up ditching. I may have some of the details wrong but did anyone else ever see this movie?

Looking at IMDB I am pretty sure it was this one,

Anyone else remember this one?

The discussion on hand propping made me remember it.
They land in the desert then end up over the ocean near a carrier? Oooook.
There was a movie I saw in the 1970's about a family flying in I think a Bo and they have to land out in the desert for some reason. While stranded the family has to deal with all their demons i.e. like father and son do not get alone. Some cheesy stuff if I recall.

Dad finally does something to get the plane ready to go but has to hand prop the plane and gets hit by the prop. The son has to fly. They head west but there are clouds and when they break out are over water. The see and aircraft carrier and try to land but end up ditching. I may have some of the details wrong but did anyone else ever see this movie?

Looking at IMDB I am pretty sure it was this one,

Anyone else remember this one?

The discussion on hand propping made me remember it.

I remember the movie, I remember the aircraft as a Navion.
During a flight from San Diego to Florida, family Carlyle is surprised by a weather front in the Rocky Mountains. They have to do an emergency landing in a Mexican desert, with their plane severely damaged. Latent tensions in the family interfere with the efforts to solve their desperate situation
Yeah, sounds like your description! These days, they'd have been picked up within minutes. And sent to jail for crossing the border!