Heard from the tower....


Line Up and Wait
Aug 11, 2008
Eldridge, MO
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Display name:
Gene Seibel
Major tongue tripping going on today.

"Proceed on course. Traffic no longer a facor."

One of my favorites from that link:

A KingAir had just rotated (lifted-off the runway) at take-off when there was an enormous bang and the starboard engine burst into flames. After stamping on the rudder to sort out the asymmetric thrust, trying to feather the propeller and going through the engine fire drills with considerable calmness and aplomb, the stress took its toll on the Captain... He transmitted to the tower in a level friendly voice: "Ladies and gentleman. There is no problem at all but we're just going to land for a nice cup of tea." He then switched to cabin intercom and screamed at the passengers: "Mayday. Mayday. Mayday. Engine fire. Prop won't feather. If I can't hold this asymmetric we're going in. Emergency landing. Get the crash crew out." The aircraft landed safely with the passengers' hair standing on end.​
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Slightly off topic but we start down the road of what people say in an emergency.
A good friend of mine was stationed on the Carrier USS Kittyhawk flying as a Navigator? on A-3’s.
As they shot off the deck the left engine caught fire. They declared an emergency and began setting up to return to the carrier on the remaining engine. As they were lining up with the carrier the fire spread to the right engine. Now my friend had heard the recordings of other crews ejecting from aircraft and they were always panicked screaming calls of “WE’RE EJECTING, WE’RE EJECTING WE’RE EJECTING.” He had had couple minutes to think about what he would say if they had to eject, and when it became clear they were going to eject, he calmly made the call “This is Navy XXX we are ejecting” and then he pulled the ejection handle.
Afterwards he listen to the tape of his radio call and thought they had the wrong tape as his call came out sounding like the panicked “WE’RE EJECTING, WE’RE EJECTING WE’RE EJECTING.” Funny what adrenalin will do to you. :)
I'm recalling...

".. follow that Fokker on the downwind " :)
Slightly off topic but we start down the road of what people say in an emergency.
A good friend of mine was stationed on the Carrier USS Kittyhawk flying as a Navigator? on A-3’s.
As they shot off the deck the left engine caught fire. They declared an emergency and began setting up to return to the carrier on the remaining engine. As they were lining up with the carrier the fire spread to the right engine. Now my friend had heard the recordings of other crews ejecting from aircraft and they were always panicked screaming calls of “WE’RE EJECTING, WE’RE EJECTING WE’RE EJECTING.” He had had couple minutes to think about what he would say if they had to eject, and when it became clear they were going to eject, he calmly made the call “This is Navy XXX we are ejecting” and then he pulled the ejection handle.
Afterwards he listen to the tape of his radio call and thought they had the wrong tape as his call came out sounding like the panicked “WE’RE EJECTING, WE’RE EJECTING WE’RE EJECTING.” Funny what adrenalin will do to you. :)

Funny story, but the Navy A-3 Skywarriors were never equipped with ejection seats.
Funny story, but the Navy A-3 Skywarriors were never equipped with ejection seats.

It's all about the story, not the airplane. Heck, they didn't even care about the stinking airplane anyway. Even if it was about the airplane....in the story, they ejected, didn't they? :ihih:

Funny story, but the Navy A-3 Skywarriors were never equipped with ejection seats.

Could have also been:

A-6 Intruder
A-5 Vigilante
A-4 Skyhawk

But you don't really care about that, do you? You just wanted to nitpick and be a pain in the ass.
Damn, I'll bet this would have been a great thread, if it hadn't crashed and burned.
Anyone want to try resurrecting it?

A lot of these stories are just urban legends that get pretty hard to believe. The old story about "I'm f'n Bored, ... bla bla bla ... I said f'n bored, not f'n stupid" - I've heard that about a half dozen times from different pilots.

Here's one that's recorded. Made me laugh out loud when I first heard it.

You just cant trust some controllers.
That was a good one... I had to listen to it twice to catch the joke.
It's all about the story, not the airplane. Heck, they didn't even care about the stinking airplane anyway. Even if it was about the airplane....in the story, they ejected, didn't they? :ihih:


As so goes the perils of 2nd hand stories. I knew he flew A-3's most of the time. But I know he flew A-6's some as well. Now I will have to ask him.
