Good pro-GA article

A good article! I do have to wonder if that impression remains. I certainly hope so.

Something else I read some time back addressed the following excerpt but in different terms:
There are two types of pilots, by the way. The vast majority are Type 1: a male or female desperately in love with flying and characterized by an incapability of reaching a state of boredom when talking about flying or committing any premeditated act of aviation.

Type 2s, by contrast, view flying as merely an interesting challenge — much as a corporate golfer might view the game as an interesting but occasional means of spending time with clients or the boss. But it is we Type 1s who have propelled the freedom to fly and seen it through decades of misunderstanding and even the increased national security required in the post-9/11 world.

I wish I could recall the source for this but the bottom line is... there are pilots and there are aviators. The "type 1" he speaks of would be the latter.
A good article! I do have to wonder if that impression remains. I certainly hope so.

Something else I read some time back addressed the following excerpt but in different terms:

I wish I could recall the source for this but the bottom line is... there are pilots and there are aviators. The "type 1" he speaks of would be the latter.

That quote would make a great Poll here, Ken. I bet most on this board would say they are aviators. I know I am.