GI275 / KFC200 help


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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OK, my partner has taken a couple of debug flights after the install, and all of the squawks are fixed except for this one. See video below.

When climbing you can see the yoke oscillating, and even after he levels off and engages altitude hold, you can see the oscillation and even see the changes showing up on the AI itself.

So, is this a feedback issue? Maybe the info fed from the 275 AI to the AP is too aggressive? We really want to get this tuned so that it holds smooth level flight as well as smooth climbs and descents. Anyone have any experience with this one? Our installer is working on his end with Garmin, but the more things we can try, the better. Thanks!

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If the installing shop did not do the gyro alignment procedure after the install this must be done. If the gains for the gyro are too far out of spec they can produce oscillations in flight. The alignment procedure is outlined in the GI275 IM. Things like bridle tension for the pitch servo and tach feedback voltage need to be checked as well.
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If the installing shop did not do the gyro alignment procedure after the install this must be done. If the gains for the gyro are to far out of spec they can produce oscillations in flight. The alignment procedure is outlined in the GI275 IM. Things like bridle tension for the pitch servo and tach feedback voltage need to be checked as well.

Thanks, I will pass this along to the installer.