Gaston's- Kids Coming?


Management Council Member
PoA Supporter
Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
I am trying to get a handle on how many kids may be making the scene at Gaston's. I am bringing my son, Tommy, who is 11 (just finished 5th grade). I am hoping he can find some other kids with whom he can do some kid-play (something besides looking moon-eyed at Steve's daughter...).

All parents bringing kids- check in!
im bringing jesse, hes has maturity of a 10 year old :)
SCCutler said:
I am trying to get a handle on how many kids may be making the scene at Gaston's. I am bringing my son, Tommy, who is 11 (just finished 5th grade). I am hoping he can find some other kids with whom he can do some kid-play
Spike, John Clifford and his 12-year-old son, Ian are flying their Citabria from Virginia. John was going to fly his Cessna 195, but he fell off the wing of a T28 (long way down!) and messed up his shoulder.
Diana said:
Spike, John Clifford and his 12-year-old son, Ian are flying their Citabria from Virginia. John was going to fly his Cessna 195, but he fell off the wing of a T28 (long way down!) and messed up his shoulder.

So flying can be dangerous, right?

Keep 'em comin'!
I'm bringing Piper. Not a kid, but very immature....
SkyHog said:
I'm bringing Piper. Not a kid, but very immature....

Maybe you should bring your niece, I'm sure she'd love going on a trip with Uncle Nick!
N2212R said:
Maybe you should bring your niece, I'm sure she'd love going on a trip with Uncle Nick!

I would love to Ed. I'll check with my sister, but I suspect she'll say no. But still.....
At this time my 10 yo step-son is going, but if his grandmother wants him, he will stay in Branson. Grandma still wins over airplanes, but I'm working on him.
tonycondon said:
im bringing jesse, hes has maturity of a 10 year old :)

Becareful about overestimating me.

The more important question is:

'Who is bringing their daughter, and how old are they?'

Just messing with you... ;)
OK...I ignored the entire Gaston's trip thing 'cause I have kids (9 & 10) and figured there wouldn't be kids on the trip but my ears perked up on this thread.

Where and when is this Gaston's trip?

Len Lanetti said:
OK...I ignored the entire Gaston's trip thing 'cause I have kids (9 & 10) and figured there wouldn't be kids on the trip but my ears perked up on this thread.

Where and when is this Gaston's trip?


It is on the weekend of June 9th, 10th, and 11th. The airport is 3M0 (Three Mike Zero) which is at/by Lakeview Arkansas.

You can find more information at:

You can count on quite a few people from this forum being there. It should be a lot of fun.
Len Lanetti said:
Where and when is this Gaston's trip?
Len, we also have a long thread about the Gaston's fly-in over at AOPA:

Several people from the Citabria forum are coming, too. I've posted it at a few other forums as well, but don't know who is coming from those forums yet. We will also have several members of our local EAA chapter flying in for the Sunday brunch.
Still planning on having a 6 year old with me. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES, planes, and would LOVE an acro ride in any of them. Problem is convincing Courtney to let her go up.
If (and thats a big IF) my replacement cam and lifters get here (lost in the mail and nothing can be done untill its out for 30 days, 7 days left) I will be there with my wife and 5 yr old who thinks he is 10
N2212R said:
Still planning on having a 6 year old with me. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES, planes, and would LOVE an acro ride in any of them. Problem is convincing Courtney to let her go up.
Ed, I'd love to take her up for an acro ride, but taking small kids is a problem. That's what my second article in Sport Aerobatics was about:

My 16 year old daughter, Kathleen, is bringing a soccer ball to Gaston's. (I told her NOT to play on the runway!) So if there are any young people bored with the planes she'd be willing to help keep them otherwise occupied . No age limit.

Also, although she's not a certified life guard, she's bringing a bathing suit in case anyone would like some extra eyes watching the pool.

As long as it doesn't cut into her plane judging,...or fishing time.
Just a reminder, sound-out if a kid is coming; lots of "maybes" above, but Tommy (11) will be there; I promised him he would not be the only kid, please don't make me a liar!
Steve said:

My 16 year old daughter, Kathleen, is bringing a soccer ball to Gaston's. (I told her NOT to play on the runway!) So if there are any young people bored with the planes she'd be willing to help keep them otherwise occupied . No age limit.

Also, although she's not a certified life guard, she's bringing a bathing suit in case anyone would like some extra eyes watching the pool.

As long as it doesn't cut into her plane judging,...or fishing time.

You obviously didn't read Jesse's post.
SCCutler said:
Just a reminder, sound-out if a kid is coming; lots of "maybes" above, but Tommy (11) will be there; I promised him he would not be the only kid, please don't make me a liar!
Spike, John Clifford is flying in from the east coast in a Citabria with his 12 year old son. They hope to arrive late Friday afternoon. John was going to fly his Cessna 195, but hurt his shoulder and wasn't up to wrestling with it this time.
SCCutler said:
Just a reminder, sound-out if a kid is coming; lots of "maybes" above, but Tommy (11) will be there; I promised him he would not be the only kid, please don't make me a liar!

Liar Liar, plants for hire. Hah hah of my favorite spongebob sayings per Patrick Star. :rofl:
My sister has officially said no. Erin's neutropenic for a while so she can't be doing stuff like going to the other side of the country away from her oncologist.

Maybe next year.
alaskaflyer said:
You obviously didn't read Jesse's post.

I think Jesse knows that there are about fifty or so "assistant moms and dads" to watch over Kathleen (who is, by the way, a charming young lady and stellar hostess), and snap his neck if he gets out of hand. :hairraise:

Which I think we all know, Jesse would never do. :no:

Right, J? :yes:
Diana said:
Spike, John Clifford is flying in from the east coast in a Citabria with his 12 year old son. They hope to arrive late Friday afternoon. John was going to fly his Cessna 195, but hurt his shoulder and wasn't up to wrestling with it this time.

How cool is that?

Maybe he and Tomster can stir up some (modest) trouble. Wonder if he has a Nintendo DS? Who that age doesn't?
SCCutler said:
I think Jesse knows that there are about fifty or so "assistant moms and dads" to watch over Kathleen (who is, by the way, a charming young lady and stellar hostess), and snap his neck if he gets out of hand. :hairraise:

Which I think we all know, Jesse would never do. :no:

Right, J? :yes:
Hee hee:goofy:

Have fun y'all!
Which will be easy to do while Jesse's doubled over clutching his privates....:rofl:

SCCutler said:
I think Jesse knows that there are about fifty or so "assistant moms and dads" to watch over Kathleen (who is, by the way, a charming young lady and stellar hostess), and snap his neck if he gets out of hand. :hairraise:

You all have some very creative minds.
jangell said:
You all have some very creative minds.

It's called "being proactive."

Which, again, is certainly unnecessary with a gentleman of your exquisite character and good judgment.

But still.

Just reading Steve's post made me cringe.
SCCutler said:
Which, again, is certainly unnecessary with a gentleman of your exquisite character and good judgment.

I cant wait to meet you Spike. I never knew you were such a joker, I love a great sense of humor!
tonycondon said:
I cant wait to meet you Spike. I never knew you were such a joker, I love a great sense of humor!
