Future Pilot Candidates


Pattern Altitude
Apr 11, 2005
Russellville, AR
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There really are kids out there that are interested and enthused about flying. The Pilots Association of Arkansas (PAA) is conducting a kids aero-camp at KRUE this week. We have 31 kids between 9 and 14, 11 of them girls, that signed up and are learning and having a great time. We opened the day today with skyjumpers from Northwest Arkansas. The girls were really thrilled when one of the jumpers turned out to be a lady who talked with the group for about 45 minutes. She was a devotee who made her first jump, not too successfully, at the age of 4 from her grandmother's barn loft with an umbrella. Three more days to go but if the rest continues like the first two days, I'm sure that we'll be doing this again next year.
Thats great!

More like this should be done to ensure survival of the species. After we get our hangar built I hope to do something similar here on a much smaller scale but on a continuing basis. Plenty of kids still looking through the fence.

The video One Six Right has captured the spirit very well. Should be required viewing for all pilots and airport management.
Wow, thats great! I am sure you made a life lasting impressions with those kids!
Info from and contact address for Ralph McCormick:

We had 4 days with classes and outside events (parachute jumpers, antique planes, maintenance, and etc.) We required a release from the parent or guardian. We required medical releases, travel releases, and lots of phone numbers to contact the parents... Each state is different... and a good lawyer might be best to consult for a release that would protect all that are involved in the flight and event. I borrowed the paperwork from the University of Oklahoma. They have been doing this for years, successfully.

This was our first... the University would not share some things due to copyright protection, but we were able to get enough and 'wing' it the rest of the way. The parents, grandparents, and guardians had nothing but praise for the week program. One parent drove 2 hrs in the morning and 2 in the afternoon to get his kid in it.. All 31 kids would come back next week if we would do it and the waiting list would come also..

Ralph McCormick

ralph@fly-low.com if you want to discuss it direct with me.
I'm pasting Ralph's address in my contacts list. This is something I'd like the local airport to do. Thanks.