Foreflight chart clarity bug reported


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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I've mentioned this before, but finally got around to sending a bug report to Team Foreflight about it.

On all charts, VFR and IFR on the higher resolution iPad 3 (I don't know if it's an iPad 3 specific issue or happens on all, but it's very noticible on iPad 3)...

At some fairly low zoom out level there's a distinct jump in image quality of the chart. Zoomed in, all small text on the chart is clear.

Zoom just slightly out from there and the chart switches to a lower resolution version that's got considerably less clarity on small print in the chart.

Since iOS 6 isn't out yet, I had to send two screenshots to them and thus got two ticket numbers from their automated response system.

Ticket 143145 contains the sharp clear screenshot, ticket 143146 contains the fuzzy one only slightly zoomed back.

I pointed out one example of a word along an IFR airway that becomes virtually unreadable in the second screenshot. It's the word "unusable" in "R-325 unusable" along Victor 81 south of KAPA. In the screenshot originals, the word is crystal clear in screenshot #1 and fuzzy enough in #2 that the word almost isn't readable.

I'll upload the two screenshots here, but Tapatalk heavily compresses them and it'll be hard to see the difference. Better to use it as an example of how much to zoom to see the problem (or not see it) on your own iPad.

Poke your map to IFR and enter KAPA and you'll be centered up where this one is. Then zoom so the same things are showing on the screen and you'll see the breakpoint between clear and fuzzy, I believe.

Would be interested to know if others also see this.





Here, let's do it this way... From my Dropbox public folder...

Clear image...

Fuzzy image...

That should be uncompressed original PNG format versions.

Anyone else see this?
I see it on iPhone 4 as well.
I have a note back from them that it's being referred up the chain. Will see how it turns out.

I'd really prefer it wait a little longer/be a lot further zoomed out until it switches to the lower resolution map. I tend to end up somewhere just above that zoom level and if you go in too close, you can't quite see all the stuff around you for situational awareness, sometimes.

I understand why they're doing it, but it kicks in a bit too "low".

I zoom out to look at IFR Enroute altitudes ahead as a double-check along an airway, and it gets all fuzzy. You end up having to zoom out, pan over, zoom in, read, then punch the centering GPS button and zooming to whatever normal level works closer to the aircraft location.
I still waiting on my HD eye glasses to notice any difference.:rolleyes:
