Fly Coast-to-Coast for FREE

Theres no way this will happen without weather delays.
I would rather take Vegas to LA, rather than Yuma to el paso. However, I could do Yuma to ABQ and Nick might be able to do el paso.
Wish I could help you in early October, but alas I have a trip up to VT planned for that weekend so cannot. If for some reason the dates get pushed back to either late October or into November, I'd be delighted to help out with the east coast stuff. I've got a club Saratoga and a current instrument rating that could help soothe some of the longer leg/cloudy weather blues.

Jim G Based at KLNS.
Michael said:
I would rather take Vegas to LA, rather than Yuma to el paso. However, I could do Yuma to ABQ and Nick might be able to do el paso.

How about starting your leg at KHII? It's closer to LA.

Hope you can work it out. Rob would be a better choice of pax since he "don't weigh much" and I sorta do (but I smell nice), and October would be a little soon for me. Maybe this spring we can try another PoA coast to coast rally and this time I'll actually have my PPL for it and be able to fly someone from Oregon coast to...well, Idaho or somewhere. (I hope!)

I hope it works out fabulously!

Areeda said:
How about starting your leg at KHII? It's closer to LA.


Works for me. Whatever you all decide is ok with me.
Ed, it will by W0X0F at GRR, but from NYC to LA it will be CAVU.:)

Okay, okay, okay. New plan. Rob! from NYC to LA (JetBlue back home?) and new passenger from LA to NYC (Terry Roy or volunteer?).
New dates to fly weekends. Thanks for the great response, POA!

October 7 (Saturday)
1. NYC to IPT....Bob Ciotti
2. IPT to TOL.....Missa (Don't listen to Ed!)
3. TOL to ARR....Tom G. (Cardinal driver)
4. ARR to Saint Joe, MO....Bob A. (No more Bob sandwich, Missa)
5. Saint Joe to GLD...Dean

October 8 (Sunday)
6. GLD to FNL...Greg K. (Butter with your lobster?)
7. FNL to GUC...Eric Jensen from Fort Collins (Hooray for Mooneys!)
8. GUC to Vegas...?
9. Vegas to LA...Michael Diggs (VNY?)

October 14 (Saturday)
10. LA to KHII...Arceda (Joe)
11. KHII to ABQ...Michael Diggs (If two legs are too much, we will try SkyHog (Hope he is feeling well by then))
12. ABQ to El Paso...Nick?
13. El Paso to Dallas...Dave T. or Cowboy Pilot Steve Isaacs?
14. Dallas to Pine Bluff, Ark....Spike?

October 15 (Sunday)
15. Pine Bluff to Chattanooga...Kevin
16. Chattanooga to Charlotte, NC....Bill J. (New day better?)
17. Charlotte to HGR...Lance F.
18. HGR to LNS...Dave G. (If Jim G. cannot make it, we will ask if you will still go to NYC)
19 LNS to NYC...Jim G. (Saratoga driver)

Now if Rob! wants to stay in LA for a week, he can get a free ride home.
Comments, Rob!?

Michael, could you work on Nick for us?

Ed, if you want in on this, we could squeeze you in from BKL to BTL. You could help Missa on Oct. 7 and meet her at BKL. Tom could meet you at BTL.

We are close. We are very, very close. :target:
ApacheBob said:
Ed, it will by W0X0F at GRR, but from NYC to LA it will be CAVU.:)

Okay, okay, okay. New plan. Rob! from NYC to LA (JetBlue back home?) and new passenger from LA to NYC (Terry Roy or volunteer?).
New dates to fly weekends. Thanks for the great response, POA!

October 7 (Saturday)
1. NYC to IPT....Bob Ciotti
2. IPT to TOL.....Missa (Don't listen to Ed!)
3. TOL to ARR....Tom G. (Cardinal driver)
4. ARR to Saint Joe, MO....Bob A. (No more Bob sandwich, Missa)
5. Saint Joe to GLD...Dean

October 8 (Sunday)
6. GLD to FNL...Greg K. (Butter with your lobster?)
7. FNL to GUC...Eric Jensen from Fort Collins (Hooray for Mooneys!)
8. GUC to Vegas...?
9. Vegas to LA...Michael Diggs (VNY?)

October 14 (Saturday)
10. LA to KHII...Arceda (Joe)
11. KHII to ABQ...Michael Diggs (If two legs are too much, we will try SkyHog (Hope he is feeling well by then))
12. ABQ to El Paso...Nick?
13. El Paso to Dallas...Dave T. or Cowboy Pilot Steve Isaacs?
14. Dallas to Pine Bluff, Ark....Spike?

October 15 (Sunday)
15. Pine Bluff to Chattanooga...Kevin
16. Chattanooga to Charlotte, NC....Bill J. (New day better?)
17. Charlotte to HGR...Lance F.
18. HGR to LNS...Dave G. (If Jim G. cannot make it, we will ask if you will still go to NYC)
19 LNS to NYC...Jim G. (Saratoga driver)

Now if Rob! wants to stay in LA for a week, he can get a free ride home.
Comments, Rob!?

Michael, could you work on Nick for us?

Ed, if you want in on this, we could squeeze you in from BKL to BTL. You could help Missa on Oct. 7 and meet her at BKL. Tom could meet you at BTL.

We are close. We are very, very close. :target:

How about...Vegas to Long Beach. Jet blue has a non stop out of LGB to NY. 100 bucks last time i checked.
ApacheBob said:
7. FNL to GUC...Eric Jensen from Fort Collins (Hooray for Mooneys!)

That should work. I can do Montrose, Grand Junction, Farmington, maybe even Moab. Departure is negotiable too.
Areeda (Joe)
Is Long Beach good with you?
Alright, I've gotten a few PM's but I'm going to respond publicly here.
CDW works best out of NY for me, I'm pretty flexible, although I prefer to miss the end of the week more than the beginning of the week.
I'm wondering, however if it makes more sense to wait a few more weeks so that people have more time to reserve planes, clear plans with spouses etc?
ApacheBob said:

October 7 (Saturday)
1. NYC to IPT....Bob Ciotti
2. IPT to TOL.....Missa (Don't listen to Ed!)
3. TOL to ARR....Tom G. (Cardinal driver)
4. ARR to Saint Joe, MO....Bob A. (No more Bob sandwich, Missa)
5. Saint Joe to GLD...Dean

We are close. We are very, very close. :target:

October 7th is the air show.
#1 IPT will be closed peridoically from 12-4
#2 I'm not missing the airshow.

I'm out.

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ApacheBob said:
October 15 (Sunday)
16. Chattanooga to Charlotte, NC....Bill J. (New day better?)

15th will work, but 8th would be prefered.
Because Rob! would prefer to travel at the end of the week and the airshow is Oct. 7, would you be able to go on Friday, Oct. 6?

Bob C., could you leave around 1 pm on Friday, Oct. 6 from CDW?

Missa, could you meet Bob C. at 3 pm at IPT? Are you able to fly from KBKL to KIPT at night (6pm)? If not, could you take a buddy pilot?

Ed, could you meet Missa at 6 pm at KBKL?
KCDW to KIPT.....121 miles
KIPT to KBKL......215 miles
KBKL to KBTL......166 miles

Rob!, would this work for you? I think the sooner is the better.
ApacheBob said:
Because Rob! would prefer to travel at the end of the week and the airshow is Oct. 7, would you be able to go on Friday, Oct. 6?

Bob C., could you leave around 1 pm on Friday, Oct. 6 from CDW?

Missa, could you meet Bob C. at 3 pm at IPT? Are you able to fly from KBKL to KIPT at night (6pm)? If not, could you take a buddy pilot?

Ed, could you meet Missa at 6 pm at KBKL?
KCDW to KIPT.....121 miles
KIPT to KBKL......215 miles
KBKL to KBTL......166 miles

Rob!, would this work for you? I think the sooner is the better.

I don't have an instrument rating and by club rules am not allowed to fly at night. One of the few instrument rated pilots that I may be able to talk into it has a new baby so is unliky to say yes.

I'm sorry, I'm out.

ApacheBob said:
Because Rob! would prefer to travel at the end of the week and the airshow is Oct. 7, would you be able to go on Friday, Oct. 6?

Bob C., could you leave around 1 pm on Friday, Oct. 6 from CDW?

Missa, could you meet Bob C. at 3 pm at IPT? Are you able to fly from KBKL to KIPT at night (6pm)? If not, could you take a buddy pilot?

Ed, could you meet Missa at 6 pm at KBKL?
KCDW to KIPT.....121 miles
KIPT to KBKL......215 miles
KBKL to KBTL......166 miles

Rob!, would this work for you? I think the sooner is the better.

If the 15th works out better, that is OK. The plane I have for the 8th has stormscope + XM radar, while the plane I have for the 15th has neither. Depends on the weather.
I have signed out the Saratoga all day on the 15th, as there is no way to know right now when this will happen. I got the blessing of "the spouse" who happens to need to fly some time off in the 'toga so is delighted at the prospect of a flight into the greater NYC area (she said something about what I was going to buy her, sigh). Just tell me when, who and where we are going.

At the appropriate time, I'll provide contact info via PM or email to the people who will need it.

Jim G
I really don't want to disrupt anybody's plans or be a PITA for anybody. I'm flexiable, but worse comes to worse, I'm the least important part of this chain.
I've been laying low in this because my schedule is pretty flexible. I would like to participate BUT right now my leg is a bit too much. From my airport to HGR via a pickup in the Charlotte area and return is about 1000NM and a bit under 7 hours flying time. I can't do all of that. So, any other SE or midAtlantic pilots want to pick up a piece of this?
Missa, don't worry about it.

But this creates a challenge. Perhaps Bob C. would be willing to fly from CDW to UNV (Considering the Nittany Lions football woes, those people need something to cheer about).
Then, we need someone to fly from State College, Pennsylvania to Cleveland, Ohio on Friday, October 6. The flight should leave UNV at 3 pm.

Jim G., how about ending the flight where it began (at CDW)? If this puts you dangerously close to a shopping district, pick another NYC-area spot.:)

More tinkering:

Dean, if I drop Rob! at UUV, would you be willing to take him to ICT?
Then we would need another pilot to go from ICT to GLD. I am trying to limit some of these legs to keep the wives (or husbands?) happy.

It is pretty well set, except for the GUC (Gunnison, Colorado) to Las Vegas, Nevada leg.

Rob!, you are the most important part of the enterprise. You have the camera!

Harrison Ford called me today. As you know, the future of General Aviation in America depends on the success of this trip. He offered to loan me his Gulfstream-5.
But I said, "Harry (I call him Harry, you know). Harry, we don't want to bring heavy metal in on this program. We're Americans, dangit! And Americans have the grit and tenacity to make it work on their own."
Then I gave him a few acting tips and we said our goodbyes.:)

Kick the tires and light the fires.:blueplane:
Here's the funny thing. I will probably be in Charlotte area picking up an airplane around the 14th or 15th. Unfortunately Hagerstown is sort of the wrong direction for bringing it back to Michigan.
Lance F said:
I've been laying low in this because my schedule is pretty flexible. I would like to participate BUT right now my leg is a bit too much. From my airport to HGR via a pickup in the Charlotte area and return is about 1000NM and a bit under 7 hours flying time. I can't do all of that. So, any other SE or midAtlantic pilots want to pick up a piece of this?

This is the second comment about legs too long. Rob, can you take a weeks' vacation and the weekends on both sides? Then we could fly Sat/Sun to get you out to the west coast, you play on the beach all week, then we fly you back to the east coast the following Sat/Sun. This gives built-in weather days if needed, too.

If we can schedule 2-hour legs, then more poeple get to participate, it doesn't get too expensive for anyone renting, etc.

If things work out, I could handle anything going through OK or north central Texas (i.e, Abilene to the DFW area, or here to Little Rock).
ApacheBob said:
Jim G., how about ending the flight where it began (at CDW)? If this puts you dangerously close to a shopping district, pick another NYC-area spot.:)

CDW is cool. Never been there so it'll be new in my logbook. But I will go wherever it is decided the passenger needs to go. I'm not Class B shy, if s/he needs to go to JFK, I'll do it. I THINK my wife was joking about the shopping, she's happy to get the flight time! That's the trade off married to a fellow pilot, she approves of the hobby but eats some of the time aloft (half actually!)

Jim G
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Missa said:
I don't have an instrument rating and by club rules am not allowed to fly at night. One of the few instrument rated pilots that I may be able to talk into it has a new baby so is unliky to say yes.

I'm sorry, I'm out.


Yep, I'm totally out... I'll be in FL.

Dean is in!
Dean will fly from his home base (UUV) to KPTS (Pittsburg, Kansas). We will need someone to pick up a leg from Pittsburg to (GLD) Goodland, Kansas.

Ed, can you get the BKL to BTL leg?:blueplane:
Troy, could you come out to Midland, Texas, and bring the passenger back to Dallas?

Lance, how does Lynchburg, Virginia sound? We need a Virginia-area pilot to pick up the Lynchburg to HGR (or Frederick) leg.

Paul Poberenzy called. He was wondering why Dick Rutan has not offered his global flyer.
"Big P (that's what I call Paul)," I said. "Big P, the Rutans are working on another spaceship. But they want to get in on the next Coast-to-Coast run."
Then I told him how my tent flooded at Oshkosh 2006.:)

Altimeters high to low, look out below.:blueplane:
Well, I do have the whole month of January off, and I was hoping to spend a week out at Minden getting the G-rating....
I could do Vegas to Minden....close enough to the west coast to call it a victory isnt it? :O)
I am based out of CGF, which is a stone's throw from BKL. I could theoretically fly the leg to or from the Cleveland area. The only downsides would be that I am not IFR rated, so weather is more of a factor, and my schedule.

Looking at the UNV-BKL leg, I can't leave here until around 3:30 or 4:00 pm on a Friday, which puts me there more towards 6pm.

If I run the BKL-BTL leg, if he leaves UNV at 3pm, that puts him here around 6pm, and I could get him to BTL by 8:00 or so.

All this is based on the assumption that this would happen on Friday, October 6th.
ApacheBob said:
Dean is in!
Dean will fly from his home base (UUV) to KPTS (Pittsburg, Kansas). We will need someone to pick up a leg from Pittsburg to (GLD) Goodland, Kansas.:blueplane:

We need Rudy in on this, I think he is based out of Pittsburg, KS or somewhere there close.
POA, you are the most.

October 6 (Friday)
1. CDW to CGF....Bob Ciotti
2. CGF to KBTL.....Todd Kooser
3. KBTL to KGYY...Ed Frederick?
4. KGYY (or KBTL if Ed is inop) to ARR....Tom G. (Cardinal driver)
5. ARR to KUUV....Bob A.

October 7 (Saturday)
6. KUUV to KPTS...Dean
7. KPTS to GLD...Rudy? +?

October 8 (Sunday)
8. GLD to FNL...Greg K. (any chance you could go Saturday, Greg?)
9. FNL to KCNY (Moab)...Eric Jensen from Fort Collins
10. KCNY to KVGT...? (about 300 nm)
11. KVGT (North Las Vegas) to KLGB...Michael Diggs

October 14 (Saturday)
12. LA to KHII...Arceda (Joe)
13. KHII to ABQ...Michael Diggs (If two legs are too much, we will try SkyHog (Hope he is feeling well by then))
14. ABQ to El Paso...Nick?
15. El Paso to KMDD (Midland, Texas)s...Dave T. or Cowboy Pilot Steve Isaacs?
16. KMDD to KRBD (Dallas)...Troy Whistman
17. KRBD to Pine Bluff, Ark....Spike?

October 15 (Sunday)
18. Pine Bluff to Chattanooga...Kevin
19. Chattanooga to Charlotte, NC....Bill J.
20. Charlotte to KLYH (Lynchburg, VA)...Lance Flynn
21. KLYH to KHGR...?
22. HGR to LNS...Dave G.
23. LNS to CDW...Jim G. (Saratoga driver)

These last two legs may be re-shaped to start at KLYH, if no one steps up.

I know, I know, it all depends on the weather. But we have 15 of the 23 legs covered. We have 9 of the 11 Westbound legs covered. Rob! can almost smell the Pacific!:blueplane:
ABQ to ELP may not be too bad. Hmm....

Even if I'm not feeling 100%.....I'll give you an answer on Monday for sure.

And I've never been to El Paso before via GA.
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ApacheBob said:
15. El Paso to KMDD (Midland, Texas)s...Dave T. or Cowboy Pilot Steve Isaacs?
16. KMDD to KRBD (Dallas)...Troy Whistman
17. KRBD to Pine Bluff, Ark....Spike?

I've emailed Dave T. and Spike, as I don't know if they've even seen this thread. If they are "in", I might see if leg 15 can be El Paso to Marfa (where Dave resides), leg 16 Marfa to KFTW or KADS (where Spike is based), and then Spike could take them to Pine Bluff.
I can probably do BTL -> Central Illinois. Seeing that he's going to end up In Sullivan, instead of going to ARR, how about something a bit further south of Chicago's Bravo? Bloomington? Pontiac?
ApacheBob said:
October 7 (Saturday)
6. KUUV to KPTS...Dean
7. KPTS to GLD...Rudy? +?

I'd help out, but I'm having problems with both airplanes and hope to help work on one of them that day. I'd suggest shooting Rudy an email.
Well all it looks like this is going to happen if the weather holds out for us VFR pilots. As we are doing this we should claim some airports for the ConUs Challhenge so don't forget you camera and your password. Also let see if we can jot something down about the leg we flew and attach some pictures. I will be making a care package (little taste of Philly) for Rob to take with him to the west cost, only a few things to keep it light.

I will be able to commit next weekend (7th) for the 14th.
If you want to get earlier committments, I would suggest asking Don Jones at Las Cruces, "ElPaso Pilot", 'Steve' in Midland, I think they are on POA.

Who is being transported btw?