Flash Player Problem - Google Chrome

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
One of the discussions on aviation shows got me interested in following up on some of the new "Dangerous Flights" episodes. Well you can watch the first two of the second season runs on Youtube. But if you go to the program website, the episodes are all there, and obviously public domain.

Basically, if you go to the "Epsiodes" screen, you will see a list of episodes. You click on the option to watch the full episode of one, and you are forced to watch an ad (that part works flawlessly) but once the ad is finished, it acts like it's trying to load something more but it just won't.

I tried it using IE and same thing. I even tried it on an Ipad using Photon, and couldn't make it work either. Any ideas? Some setting maybe?
If they're Flash, they won't run on your iPad. Otherwise, unless you have Flash disabled in your browser (labtop/desktop), they should play just fine. It could be an outage on their end.

You mentioned that they are "obviously public domain". I haven't looked at them, but are you sure about that? If it's a commercially produced product, I doubt that they have released it into the public domain. Just being on YouTube doesn't negate copyright ownership.
If they're Flash, they won't run on your iPad. Otherwise, unless you have Flash disabled in your browser (labtop/desktop), they should play just fine. It could be an outage on their end.

You mentioned that they are "obviously public domain". I haven't looked at them, but are you sure about that? If it's a commercially produced product, I doubt that they have released it into the public domain. Just being on YouTube doesn't negate copyright ownership.

I have a Flash player on my Ipad (Photon) and Flash obviously isn't disabled on the desktop since other Flash sites work plus the ads work.

I'm fairly certain these programs are public domain based on the show's website itself. Your "fee" for watching the shows is to get hit with occasional ads. They have links to play them, so I assume they want people to watch them.
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I'm sure it's copyrighted but it doesn't erase the fact that they appear to be distributing their shows to the public via their own website.

Maybe I'm missing something. Take a look at the link and tell me what you make of it.
Showing it freely to the public does not release it into the public domain. They retain ownership of it and would likely have a problem, for example, if you started making copies of their videos and selling them on DVD.
Okay poor choice of words then. I'm not trying to defraud them, I'm just trying to watch their shows.